
  • I've lost 75 lbs so far with another 35-40 to go. Divide it up into chunks and focus, focus, focus on a chunk at a time. Fifteen pounds is easier to lose ten times than one hundred and fifty all at once. Do what you can achieve. Feel proud of what you've accomplished and set a new goal until you reach the end of the road.…
  • Thanks for posting. Your story is quite encouraging to me. I started in Feb. 2012 at 247 pounds. I'm currently at 52 pounds lost, doing cardio on the treadmill. I'm about to begin strength training in addition to the cardo, and I'm eager to see the benefits. Your pictures are motivating me to get started. I can't wait to…
  • When I first began eating 1200 calories, I wasn't exercising. I found the 1200 to be difficult to sustain without feeling really hungry. It wasn't unusual for me to hit closer to 1300 or even 1350, but I still was losing weight. For the past two weeks, I've been using the treadmill (walking on an incline) five days per…