amh1974 Member


  • I love my Saucony Running shoes and have paid anywhere between $90-$130 for them. Higher end shoes have more/better padding. Be sure to get shoes that are based on how your foot strikes the ground!!! To find this out look at the bottom of your current shoes or go to any local reputable running store... not a Footlocker or…
  • I'm here for you! I'm always looking to add and be added for support. I have 6 to 11 pounds yet to lose and could use motivation and inspiration!
  • I'm right with you except.... I just graduated with my bachelor degree and can't find a job. I have school debt and I am frustrated with my current job. I want things to change! I've been applying all over the place without even so much as an interview. I had a hard time getting out of bed today. I gained weight over the…
  • COFFEE - it makes me go. Yes # 2 - sorry, TMI but you don't want to have to stop in the middle of the race!!! My regular breakfast but nothing too heavy and eat at least 2 hours prior to the race. I actually like PBJ on whole wheat. Oh, and HYDRATE!!!
  • I'm in! My biggest goal is just being consistent and getting rid of as much weight as possible so I can look great when I go on vacation in August!
  • I am doing the couch to 10K program on my iPhone. It gradually takes up your time through intervals of walking and running. I'm starting week 7 tomorrow and I will do a 20 minute run with a 5 minute warm up and cool down. I love the program! I was one of those people who likes to run but I tend to over do it one day and be…
  • Hi Lyla! I'm Ann and would love for you to add me. I would like to lose 10 pounds as well. Going to school full-time and working full-time doesn't leave a ton of time for me but next week I graduate so I'm hoping to get back on track! Good luck and keep me posted. I have faith that you can do this!
  • I use the purdue perfect portions and they are 150 calories each and come individually wrapped about 5 in a bag. They defrost really quickly and go nicely with some fresh veggies, a hint of garlic, a little bit of olive oil, tablespoon of dijon mustard and a splash of white wine! I prefer pinot grigio....I mix it with the…
  • If you have an iPod touch or iPhone you can download a program I've been using to get me to a 10K. They also have one for a 5K. I absolutely love it! I'm not a runner to begin with but it's a great way for me to lose weight quickly so I suffer through it! The app verbally instructs you on when to run and when to walk. It…
  • I started phentermine at a very low dose last Friday in combination with Vitamin B complex. I worked with a physician and he seemed confident it would help me get in shape for my engagement party. It worked really well for the first 4 days and then I developed chest pain and quit! I have a stash of pills that I won't touch…
  • Just to make it through the day without eating everything in sight.
  • I love to swim! I try to get to the pool 2 times a week where I go to school. I love it because it's not like running, walking, jogging, eliptical... It's quiet, lets you think. I love the way I feel in the water and how easy it is on my joints and back. I grew up swimming on a swim team and have missed it so much. I think…
  • I am completely addicted to food. I admit it. I am absolutely powerless :( But like you I don't mind exercise, I just mind stepping away from the carbs. I'm not picky, I'll take my carbs in any form! Mashed potatoes, rice, pasta... The worst part is that I'll tell myself that I'll just have a bite. One bite turns into 15…
  • go see a good foot doctor-podiatrist, you probably need orthotics for your shoes, stretching, ice and a good bit of rest to get the inflammation under control!
  • I can't and will not do low/no carb. Besides the fact that I LOVE my carbs my mood was awful, I felt awful all day and this was still after a week. At the time that I tried it I didn't know that I could have withdrawal. I did a little research and found out that I'm just one of those people who can't do it. My carbs always…
  • I like it in smoothies- especially ones with peanut butter. It gives a crunchy texture to things and is really good for your hair. I add it to yogurt too. I like the taste and texture of it.... my hair doesn't look bad either! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I am so with you! Add me as a friend we can keep each other motivated!
  • I'll add you! I'm fairly new myself. Today is not such a good day for me though. I worked out yesterday for 2 hours and walked the dog for an hour and my weight went up. So I'm a bit frustrated to say the least. I have 11 pounds (as compared to 9 on Saturday) to lose and feel like I am going backwards right now.
  • :love: Jimmy Buffet! :love:
  • I'm 5'3'' and I currently weight about 130 lbs. I would like to be 118 lbs! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I know that with regards to most of the rest of the world I'm not the moose I see myself to be. I just feel like one because my sisters are so skinny literally without much effort. My one sister is 5'5" and 105 lbs after 3 kids and she works full-time! She only works out 3 times a week and is just absolutely toned and…
  • I'm down 3.4 lbs! Start weight was 132.8 Today 1/8 129.4 I'm happy I only hope to keep the momentum going! Thanks for all of the support and encouragement from everyone! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'm doing another challenge so maybe doing this one too will make me doubly accountable! I started on 1/02 at 132.8 and would like to lose 10 by February. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Add me, the cart seems to throw me out often. LOL! I'm just happy I made it through this week without a single slip. It seems that once I slip that's it for at least a week. I'm a foodie too. I love to cook and eat great food! Did I mention I love to have some wine or a beer with my dinner?
  • last time I ran a 5k in a race I was a little over 29 minutes. I wish I could go faster!
  • I feel the same way! I hate going to bed hungry but I do it. I hate being hungry at all, ever! I get cranky. :grumble: Last night I was hungry and ate 2 saltine crackers and 5 baby carrots in an attempt to settle the grumbling. When that didn't work I drank a bottle of water. That didn't really help either because I was up…
  • It's your birthday celebrate! (just not too crazy!) url=] [/url] Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I can wear a bikini and not vomit.
  • I don't really have a sweet tooth. I have a salt tooth! :tongue:
  • Anything salty, cheesy, bread, pasta...Gotta have my carbs! I'm not into sweets!