Seagully Member


  • If you're otherwise happy in the relationship and this type of control issue really only comes up with food, then I'd say you should have a conversation and simply state that while you love him and his cooking, you can't exercise like he can and you need to have a different diet for your own health. Be clear you're not…
  • Try some different spices or toppings on foods you regularly eat. A little cinnamon on whole wheat toast livens it up. Add some jicama to a salad for some crunch. Even grilled chicken with some different flavored vinegars.
  • I agree with the rest of the posters who say don't worry about different results on different scales. Keep your measurements consistent and even if the absolute number was off a bit, the relative change would still apply. And kudos to you for not gaining weight during a stressful time like your husband being in the…
  • I agree with the poster who said it's probably motivated by jealousy or insecurity with their own weight. Good for you for reaching your goal. If it's just someone you don't know very well, I'd just smile, say "don't worry" and change the subject. If it's someone who knows you well, I'd probably talk a little longer and…