

  • Add me... I joined again tonight,
  • Hello and welcome. In a sense we are starting together. I've been on and off of MFP since August. I'm back now and I'm here to stay.:wink: So, let's do this thing together!!! It may be painful and it may be a slow process, but at least we're doing it! Thank God for MFP. :happy:
  • Hi Damien. Now that's amazing! 60 pounds in 12 weeks. Help a sista out Damien! Did you incorporate this diet with weightloss pills or such? If so what? If not I'm gonna need your plan...:huh:
  • I think its a circulation thing going on. That has been one of my issues and why I haven't been logging in. I have been dealing with slightly swelling ankles. My doctor says my body has been retaining more fluid than normal, but I believe it's my weight. I was put on diuretics and there is no way I can take diuretics and…
  • Hello Sabrina, It's hard, but I think it is good that you have connected with myfitnesspal. I have been going through a few health situations, but to GOD BE THE GLORY, all is well. So now, I'm back! I need some encouragement, you need encouragement, so let's encourage each other. I did find that in the past if I log in…
  • You'll do great. This is the place to be for support. Be consistent, you'll see results!
    in Hi Comment by currychick1 August 2010
  • I have power90x but haven't started it. I have started the colonix program and decided to start power90x on next week. I would say to do the best you can until the muscles that haven't been used in a while gets used to the routines. You can't stop though! I am 240 lbs. and I am going to start the program. I have a friend…
  • Great job to all who have success stories!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! I have been so busy doing others things until I haven't had the time to workout like I want. I walk about 3 days a week for about 45 minutes and I don't see any progress. Please, help me to be motivated!