Making my final stand, hoping for friends to support me

teri_dragon Posts: 3 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

It may seem strange that a girl voted "class clown" :tongue: in high school is actually very shy. I tried various diets and weight loss programs and never seem to make it to the end. This time I am actually asking for help. "Friend me" if you would like to share your inspiration :smile: or maybe I can be an inspiration to you also:flowerforyou: .

I have a resolution to "do something - anyhting" becuase the nothingness that usually fills my days is not contributing to my goal of **living life to the fullest**.

On a lighter 3yr was laying on the couch with me watching tv (don't judge yet, we were winding down after I finished the dinner dishes and he was bouncing around the house on his moon bounce ball) - so he leans up, looks me dead in the eyes and says "mommy I like your fat belly" and proceeds to poke me like the philsbury dough boy:blushing: (and I did NOT chuckle). In my head I said "this is your wake up call - now DO SOMETHING!"


  • LOL! The story of your child poking you reminds me of my son. Kids are so great at holding up a mirror, aren't they? Welcome and good luck! :happy:
  • Stina_Marie13
    Stina_Marie13 Posts: 50 Member
    You can do it!! put your mind to it, to better yourself! For you and your little one!!!

    you can friend me if you'd like:

    this is my 1st week here, and im enjoying it :)
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    there us always a wakeup call fro everyone! the good thing is your heard that call! You will find lots of motivation in this group! welcome!
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I had a similar thing happen. My 4 year old was sitting on my lap and we were reading and out of nowhere said "mom, your belly is big but you don't have a baby in it. Maybe you eat too much." Made me open my eyes and get life back on the right track!

    This is the 1st week I am on here. (I joined a few months ago but didn't actually use the site!) Hopefully we can be motivation to each other!!
  • Daisygurl7
    Daisygurl7 Posts: 129 Member
    This year is my year also!! We can do it!! :) My niece was sitting with me while I was painting her nails, and rubbed my belly and said in her sweetest voice, "You have a big belly." LOL Outta the mouth of babes!
  • Kids are so brutally honest, aren't they? At least he got you motivated, right? Welcome to MFP! I have been here a little over a week and am ADDICTED! There is so much great advice and super support from everyone ~ inspirations ABOUND! Friend me and we'll get through this together! :-)
  • haha, I remember when I was changing in a changing room and my daughter was about that age at the time, she poked me in the bum and said "Mommy, you are getting FAT", at that time I was losing the weight from my second, but STILL.
  • I wish they had a "like" button on here! :wink:
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    You can do this I have been on here for several months now and now for me it's just like breathing.... add me and I would be more than happpy to try to help you along the way :flowerforyou: Hang in there and are beautiful inside and out and you are going to rock this new lifestyle so get ready it's a awesome feeling!!!!
  • you can do it
  • Sunfreeflower
    Sunfreeflower Posts: 10 Member
    Ha ha ha! Cute story! My youngest daughter always liked to pat my round belly until I grew tired of it. It is one of the many reasons why I feel motivated to lose weight too. Welcome to MFP!
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    We seem to have had similar wake-up calls. My four year old likes to walk through the door and push it as far as it will go. It usually slams into the wall behind it. I told him one day that he is tiny, that isn't necessary to open the door that far. And his reply, "I was opening it for you, because you are not tiny. You have a huge belly!" That was awfully nice of him.

    Welcome to MFP, glad you are here!!
  • I am on here to try to get this weight off too..I had a similar situation like some of u did..i have 3 children and my oldest 2 were in bed..they had to get up to go to school the next 4 yr old was getting ready to go to bed too but not b4 she looks at me..rubs my belly and says "mommy..ur belly is big like ur pregnant but ur not pregnant" was taken back for a second and i told her "yea mommy knows shes fat hunny..1 day ill be skinny again"..she looked at me and smiled and told me she wants me to be healthy so i can live 4 yr old said all this!! now i am more determined to get healthy and get thin..i am looking for as much support as i can get and i promise i will be as big a support as i possibly can be to u as well..
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    Children do speak the truth. Years ago my best friend's daughter, who was about 4 at the time, hugged me from behind and her exact words were "Lucie you have a big butt" of course I laughed and my best friend went red and apologized for her daughter. I told not too worry about it as she is only speaking the truth.

    I can admit that those words motivated me back then and I had lost a lot of weight, but 20 years later I am back to where I started, I guess I would need another child to speak honestly to me... But I started MFP and believe to be on the right track.
  • my wake up call actually came in 2 dad passing last year he died on his 49th bday. and my oldest daughter told me she wasnt ever gonna have children if she was gonna be fat like me then my youngest would proceed to "jiggle" mommy....thats it I have to do it i told myself and after my 1st weigh in I lost nearly 5 lbs! i know its not much be whether big or small it is still an accomplishment! remember that girl and you can do it!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    My kids say stuff like that to me once in a while too. I actually told my 4 yr old that I want to lose my belly that has developed after 3 c-sections. He pointed at it the other day and said, "Mommy, you haven't lost it yet." Gee...I just started. It actually motivates me to do more. Just remember, we're all here for similar are not alone! I've only been on here for a week, and I already feel like the people who are supporting me are doing more for me than they will ever know!! Good luck!
  • littlemissgreedy
    littlemissgreedy Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, if its any consolation, I was trying my hardest to do sit ups one day last week and my 7 year old son was sitting on the sofa watching me. I was doing half sit ups but on my dvd one of the instructors was doing a full sit up - when my wonderfully honest son turned to me and said "mummy it's hard to do it like that when you've got a fat belly, isn't it"! Wow, aren't they just lovely!!!!
  • Hello and welcome. In a sense we are starting together. I've been on and off of MFP since August. I'm back now and I'm here to stay.:wink: So, let's do this thing together!!! It may be painful and it may be a slow process, but at least we're doing it! Thank God for MFP. :happy:
  • First steps are the best steps!! You'll do great!
  • What an awesome story. You can do it.
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