cklarue Member


  • Age: 25 Height: 5'3" HW: 165 (during pregnancy) CW: 120 GW: 110-115 (I want to see how I feel/look at 115 and go from there!) I have a one-year-old daughter and am nursing. Trying to eat clean but I have the hardest time with that and staying within my calorie budget too! Workout-wise I do mostly HIIT and try to do yoga at…
  • I'm still holding on to the last ten pounds of baby you all still add the extra 300-500 in your calories or should I maybe cut those out since baby doesn't nurse nearly as much?
  • Sent you a request! :smile: I'm 25 and still nursing my 12 month old daughter. How long do you plan on nursing? My original goal was 12 months but now I'm leaning more toward self-weaning (still haven't decided yet lol)
  • I'm also exclusively breastfeeding and have been for almost five months. :) I love it so much! I have about 16 pounds to lose to get back to my prepregnancy weight.
  • I'm 22. Feel free to add me! :)
  • I'm joining for sure! I eat so healthily during the day, but when 10 pm rolls around, I eat every sugary, high calorie thing in sight!! Me: 1 LNS: 0 :)