

  • Hi, I'm an overweight 39 yr old nutrition professional that knows food ins and out but has difficulty actually implementing healthy habits. Presently, 74 lbs away from being, "Average weight." . Through out my history I have been a yo-yo dieter. I have three closets of clothes that range from 8 - 22. I had quite a bad fall…
  • I've been blending my own hummus with tahini oil, lemon juice, garlic, red pepper, and chick peas. Great protein source. Awesome with veggies at lunch time. Sunday is a great cooking day, if I make a big vegetable quiche I can partition in tupperware for weekday lunches with a bit of fat free cottage cheese. Quiche could…
  • 39 and unfit! Have tried Weight watchers with some success years ago. Hoping My Fitness Pal will help get me back on track. Not a great calorie counter but keeping an honest food diary will make it easier to pinpoint down falls. I understand trying to fix things in your life. A lot of life's happenings we can't plan but we…