rmgd Member


  • it will get easier! Baby carrots are great, low calorie, big crunch.2% cottage cheese for creamy (has some protien to help you feel fuller) Instead of thinking what you don't think you should have, focus on all the new things you can eat! I tried Greek yogurt. I ate mango! Who knew that ugly thing was yummy! I saw lots of…
  • they sell already cooked and stripped chicken breast in the grocery store(fresh or frozen)! yahoo! add a few strips to a whole wheat torlilla with assorted green veggies and drizzle with Ken's light options dressing and voila! lunch is ready.
  • I was on WW for YEARS it seemed like. I like this website much better as it gives you actual data instead of data that you can only use with that program. also, no weekly payments :) Good Luck.
  • i also found that bananas are also a great recovery treat that help in not being so sore after a hard workout. they are also part of breakfast since i exercise in the morning.