P90X... how fit do you need to be for it?



  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    i am very unfit but was able to do it(of course I stopped though) Like the guy says on the video it doesnt matter if you can do the entire work out or not just do what you can and build up to it! it really is a great work out
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457

    in P90X they always show you a modified movement for each exercise. for instance pullups, if you don't have a pullup bar they show you what or how to do with resistance bands. etc etc. that being said there are tons of people who started with P90X and were vastly out of shape that had awesome results. you might go search some of this on the www.teambeachbody.com message boards. I have done P90X and am now 2 week from completing Insanity. if you dedicate yourself and keep pushing yourself to do better each time you will get results.
  • ChristineNicole81
    I chose to do the Shred before the full p90x because I have been doing the cardioX dvd from the set twice a week starting after thanksgiving. I do JM every day now (a week into it), gym 4x a week for cardio and p90x cardio dvd twice a week (days I don't go to gym). Everyone is different, you have to go at what you feel is best for you without being sore!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I also modified most of the time like others have stated you have to push your self and you can do it!!!
  • rmgd
    rmgd Posts: 4 Member
    i also found that bananas are also a great recovery treat that help in not being so sore after a hard workout. they are also part of breakfast since i exercise in the morning.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I decided to do JM 30 Day Shred first. I thought I was fit and ready to do p90X, but I learned quite quickly I was NOT as in much shape as I thought after JM kicked my butt!

    JM is actually harder, in my opinion, than Tony's workouts, more because of the pacing and the modifications provided in Tony's as opposed to Jillian's. Jillian's workouts are shorter, so there's less time for warming up and cooling down, which means you're more sore after doing her workouts, even if Tony's workouts push you for a longer period of time. Don't get me wrong, P90X is hard, but the pace is much slower than any of Jillian's workouts, so you can take your time and master the moves over time.

    I agree with Kellip, with P90X you can work as hard as you want, lighter weights, fewer reps and Tony is always telling you to press the pause button if you need to.
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the replies! I'll give the test a go and see how I do. I'm scared haha
    Have you done any at-home programs? What kinds of exercise have you done in the recent past?

    I've done the 30 day shred and turbo jam mostly.

    I don't have a pull up bar, would that be a problem?
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Just taken a look at the test.

    Pull up... I'm not sure if I could do any, never tried before and I don't have a pull up bar to try.
    Vertical leap... never measured it but think I'd be ok with that
    Push ups... Hate them but I can do more than 3 proper ones, if I make myself!
    Toe touch... Can get to about 2 inches of my toes
    Wall squat... Can hold for a minute
    Bicep curls... I can do enough of these but I've only got 2.5kg hand weights (5.5lbs) not 8lb ones, could do that though as I've used slightly heavier weights at the gym
    In and outs... Just tried to do 25 and I'll be honest I couldn't make it, I got to 15 and it hurt too much lol But this afternoon I did 100 crunches, leg raises and leg presses so everything hurts a bit at the moment lol
    Jumping jacks... can do 2 minutes, Jillian's 30 Day shred has made sure of that!

    So, it looks like I can do all of the fitness test stuff. So does that mean that I should be able to cope with P90X?
  • hlshubert
    All I'm saying is that it's super easy to over do and hurt yourself when you aren't used to working out as hard as P90X - not implying you shouldn't push yourself and work hard, but when you do too much at first and can't move for a week it kind of has a negative affect on one's motivation. :o)
  • nlgroft
    How do u list p90x for fitness on tracker