beautyqueen1979 Member


  • I love seeing your comparision pictures - everytime I see them I feel more motivated to reach my own goal! :flowerforyou: Is it weird that when I feel low I find your board posts just to feel inspired and pick me up again?? :blushing: :laugh:
  • THIS! My fiance has lost about 20lbs over the last 6-8months with zero effort. He eats what I make, has a slightly bigger portion usually and still has some snacks/treats if he wants to. One of my goals is to weigh less than him...but he keeps moving the goalposts :grumble: And regarding the 'feeding' - my fiance was…
  • YES! Big difference. Amazing loss, you look great Edit! and no, you aren't tooting your own horn - you are proud of what you have done and inspiring others!
  • You look amazing, well done!!:flowerforyou:
  • Weight has slowly gone from my hips/thighs over the last number of months, but if I'm honest I've only really started to notice it 'moving' in the last 10-15lbs. I lost my boobs, tummy, arms etc... but butt and thighs/calves still heavy. I'm a pear shape :) I just figure it'll go down eventually, but those areas will…
  • Wonderful story to read, and you look so happy and healthy now!! Well done x
  • Did not know this was served as a traditional dish!! Well, here in Belfast some people get the day off work or take it as a holiday (not everyone takes the day off). I think our celebrations tend to simply be getting drunk though! I don't really drink alcohol, so I'll just be in the pub enjoying watching others make fools…
  • Could easily eat a whole domino's pizza (used to eat medium, 8 slices; now I eat a small, 6 slices, if it is pizza night). And that used to be with as many pots of garlic and herb dip as I could find (terrible, terrible pots for cal and sodium). Not to mention the side of chicken strips, cheesy garlic bread.....oh and…
  • If you want a baked potato why not have it for a dinner some night? I enjoy them with some grilled chicken/tuna and vegetables. I'm not sure if the baked potato you are talking about is different to mine - I don't consider them unhealthy or not allowed. I eat potatos and it has not stalled my weight loss. I just wash a…
  • Watching it now, cringing at the Northern Ireland accent (I sound like this when I talk....eeeek!). Very interesting already - I usually avoid low fat/diet foods as a rule (except skinny cow, I love them lol). Thanks for posting it :)
  • Stunning - before and after. You look amazing, I hope you are proud of all you have achieved - you WILL make your goal :flowerforyou:
  • Fantastic! It must be a great feeling ^_^ xox
  • I am a big PEAR!!! Honestly, it has taken a long time for me to see a difference round my hips and my legs. My boobs disappeared first....then my tummy....slowly my upper arms are going...but my thighs and hips are still very thick. But he last 7lbs or so I have noticed some real movement in my legs and hips, which is nice…
  • I am like you :) I was in the 200's throughout my teens (the lowest I got during my teens was 198 when I was 14, then by 19/20 I was at least 250lbs if not more). When I first started losing I was really worried about what I would look like, just because I had noooo idea. Its not like others who used to be thinner, where…
  • AMAZING!!! I was so excited when I saw your before and after was posted :flowerforyou: You look STUNNING!!!
  • I eat my exercise calories and have done since I started last June. Some days I might not be able to make it, and sometimes I eat into the red (but not by much). I AIM to eat at least 1/2-3/4 of my exercise calories back, if not all. Usually I leave 100-200 over just for issues of miscalculation of calorie burn/portion…
  • Bringing them for lunch would be a great idea - they are very filling and you won't find yourself needing to eat anything else :)
  • YES!! I love them. They are pretty expensive, but they are now my go-to meal if I don't have the time to cook from fresh in the evening. I had the Indian Daal last night (but I added extra carrot and broccoli). The Moroccan Squash is also delicious. Wasn't so keen on the Thai Coconut one, didn't have much flavour. Haven't…
  • I think I would take everything on the Biggest Loser with a pinch of salt. I love it, but I know the show has a few tricks up it's sleeve. Also remember that the contestants have nothing else to do all day except work out, and they are really pushed on that show! I think the Biggest Loser uses the Body Bug (? monitors). I…
  • Great advice. You always need to aim for something - or you'll either stop too early (like you said) or perhaps won't know when to stop and go too far. I have a goal weight and also use mini-goals to keep me motivated. What I am curious about is HOW people choose their goals? I have a goal weight of 150lbs, and I chose it…
  • That's awful :( I know they have deleted their account but maybe there is a way to report them still? I don't know how it works. It's hard when we receive hurtful comments like that, I was always an easy target just for people in the street (overweight + ginger is never a good combination lol) and it stung so bad when…
  • I am trying so hard to resist being jealous that you have easy access to pizza!!! On a serious note, that must be very difficult, so flipping well done you for losing 46lbs already and having such temptation so close at hand!:drinker:
  • Adding you :) I worked as a special needs assistant for two years and loved every minute. Can be a tiring job I used to come home and order takeaways because I wasn't up to cooking! x
  • Pizza is my favourite food ever ever ever. I will never give it up, I just have to be very careful and plan on the days I am going to eat it. And I order/make a mini one that is just enough to satisfy me but means there aren't extra slices left over. Over the last year I've managed to wean myself off eating a whole…
  • Congrats on the engagement!!! You will do this - this is your year! I can tell already that you are determined. If you get over the first month of all the new lifestyle changes, they become habits and before you know it you will be reaching your goals in no time!! Hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend :)
  • I have one rather like this, and it was made by my Dad. It sounds harsh, but he meant it in a loving way but like most men doesn't know how to phrase things right :flowerforyou: "Now when I look at you I think you look 'normal' and don't think you look 'fat'"! He then followed this by asking if I understood and it wasn't…
  • Belfast, Northern Ireland :) Was fed up with snow and ice until a week ago.....! But it made a change from the usual rain we have, haha.
  • Such an inspiration. Seriously, I hope you realise how motivating your achievements are to the rest of us!! I hope you are super proud :drinker:
  • It is amazing how the right food can have such an impact on our bodies. For me it was definitely the exercise that gave my health the boost it needed :happy: