

  • Great job on 45lbs lost!!! I am also just new to running and started this week. First day 1 mile and it was 25 minutes; today day 5 (on wed I just walked) down to 19 min already. There are apps for the phone that you can track your run. I like runtastic also online. Also here is a great article:…
  • I know how you feel exactly; i had always been very tiny; flat stomach etc. Then I hit my 40's and it goes on fast and is sooooooooooo hard to take off. I do not really gain much except for just in my stomach. I always use to weight about 107lbs to 113lbs but now I weight 140lbs :( and I HATE it. I'm not that tall so I…
  • Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for posting that!!! I feel better now about my walk/runs!!! I am trying to train myself to run; have never done in my life and now at 47 I'm trying. I have started with a mile and I run for a bit then walk a bit then run then walk then run etc for the whole mile but let me tell you i'm dying…
  • Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for posting that!!! I feel better now about my walk/runs!!! I am trying to train myself to run; have never done in my life and now at 47 I'm trying. I have started with a mile and I run for a bit then walk a bit then run then walk then run etc for the whole mile but let me tell you i'm dying…
  • Wow that is great; how did you do it? I have to lose 20lbs from my gut and it's not going so well!!!! Great job!!!