I'm 5'11.75!! Anyone, feel free to add me! :)
Fantastic progress!
I'm a youngin here! Anyone feel free to add me.
When I was a kid, my dad would leave often for buisiness trips... He'd write me a letter and whenever I got lonely I'd read it. Maybe ask your husband to write you a note before he leaves so you can read it when you miss him? Other than that, maybe try and get out and have fun on your own outside of work! Go see a movie…
At 5'11" and around 150ish pounds (give or take depending on the day), I fit into an 8, sometimes a small 10. I do carry most of my weight in my hips though. :)
What? Haha
Rhianna :)
Cinderella- delicate features with the blue eye/blonde hair combo...
Pass (although you're gorgeous!)
This is getting confusing.
Tiny waist!
Gorgeous smile
Tell her she's beautiful
^^ Crying. I love your username :P
Trick question..... Haha he looks in his 20's at that time
Fit!! :D
Beg for makeup tips :)
Angry >:o
All of this!! Also, make sure you're balances are correct- enough protein, carbs and fat, but not too much of any. I gain weight immediately if I find myself eating too many carbs and not enough protein. I also find drinking lots of calories (Sweet starbucks drinks, soda) and eating tons of refined sugars cause me to…
My parents made me eat all my veggies, and depending on what I had eaten the rest of the day, some protein too. So usually they'd make a deal with me, that if I ate enough for a balanced meal ("eat half of your chicken and at least have some corn), then I could have dessert.
You have enough time before the HM even after the last 5k to run it all out, plus it's great practice for the HM race day- it's good for your body to get used to what it feels like to eat pre-race breakfast, and mentally it'll be great to know you can push it in a 5k before you get to run the HM Good luck! :)
I can't say I know how you feel, but I can sympathize. To me, it sounds like you just need to get rid of the foods in your house you're tempted to binge on and replace them with healthy alternatives... When you go shopping, go with a list and get in and out of the place as fast as you can so you don't buy what you don't…
Smiley! :)
Pretty eyes...