

  • There is no such thing as Too long of a post! Thank you all for sharing, I'm so grateful to have found so many people affected by MS, I never realized how connected people can be until I felt like "I'm the ONLY ONE" dealing with MS. It Sucks some days soooo bad. Its hard to be a young mother, stuck in bed, either cause the…
  • Thanks everyone for you concern. I just had another surgery on my kidneys this past week, so, while I've been doing awesome at recording my imput and movement, I've been terrible about reaching out to others. I have been working REALLY hard on getting my imput to a minimum of 800 calories a day, and spreading out little…
  • I'm hereeeee! Hi! I'm 24 years old, just recently diagnosed with MS (And have a slue of other diagnosises but thats besides the point!) I have been incredibly negative about this whole situation, but am beyond ecstatic to finally understand why I sleep 20 hours a day for a week almost monthly, and why my legs are numb and…
  • Yes, I LOVE doing my "Water Zumba". (except I'm easily 40 years younger than everyone else in the class! And I have my doctor helping me with my food consumption, but they tell me I need to eat, which I'm well aware of... I just don't always have the strength or ability to get out of bed to get the food! I've been trying…
  • Its so hard to be immobile! I hardly have the strength to wash my own hair! Not so much because of lack of muscle but rather because of fatigue. I find myself eating only about 500-600 calories a day, so I know my body is in starvation-mode. When you are having mobility problems how do you make sure your eating at a…
  • oops, I'm fighting with the forum format! Sorry!