

  • Pull ups!!! My upper body is not strong enough but working on it now! I planned to do at least 5 by the end of the summer. Wish me luck!:)
  • In my opinion, I believe that when you start a healthy diet the first two weeks is no cheating at all and after that once a week is good. If I fallow my routine, that is working out 6 days a week 1:30-2hrs a day and eat healthy then I get my free day. I eat my cake or ice cream....whatever I'm craving at the time but in…
  • I have lost 190lbs in 1yr 1/2 and gain some throughout 5 years that is why I'm here. I want to lose some of what I've gain and maintain. This is a life style change! In my opinion I think there are three things you need ...focus, determination and discipline. My biggest advice to you is set a goal, make a plan, stick to it…
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools Hi everyone my name is Angelica and I just discovered MFP 6 days ago, thanks to my brother. I usually write down everything I eat but since I've stopped, I have gained weight. I'm looking forward to supporting each other. :)