lossing over 100 lbs?



  • Ambr
    Ambr Posts: 53 Member
    oh yes you can do this without buying fancy low fat/low calorie products, you can eat anything you like as long as you in within your calories range, just try not to eat fried stuff, or too much dairy stuff.
    Good luck
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    You can do it!!! I started trying to lose weight at the beginning of 2011, and I have lost about 85 lbs! I have another 35 to go. You definitely don't need surgery. Just start off by making little changes, and progressively add more. I don't want to advocate for non-healthy eating, but I am certainly not the healthiest eater, and I still manage. Just limit the "junk".

    Good luck!!!

    My thinking is since I crave foods when my blood count is low I have to give in a little. Like there are times I have to have a bloody stake when I crave this my Platelet count I know is getting low again. I suffer from Lupus and some blood issues. I need to learn to eat three times a day and drink drink drink. I know its silly but I really forget to. I have gone two days before with out drinking. Just because I forgot. I can go all day ( 7 am till 1030 pm) with out eating just cause I forgot.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    Please everyone add me as a friend. Having people who understand what I am trying to do is a great key in not giving up. I have no support really at home. :) Thank you all so very much!
  • HealthyAcademic
    HealthyAcademic Posts: 85 Member
    I have almost 100lbs to lose (over 100 to get to the correct BMI range but right now I am shooting for a smaller goal).

    A couple of things:

    1. I prepare different food than my significant other. However if you are the cook? Tough toodles he should eat what you cook.

    2. If you can afford Crystal Light and 100-calorie packs, you can totally afford healthy food. The question is just WHAT healthy food you are buying. Quit putting toxins and processed crap in your system and put some non-processed food in your body!

    I coupon (not extreme coupon) to save money. I bring my bills down almost 40% and sometimes over 50% using coupons. There are tons of healthy coupons out there! I actually write about it in my blog.

    There are also a ton of blogs out there that can help you learn how to make real food at affordable prices. The three I recommend (and I have met the first two at different events and can attest to how awesome they are and their food!)

    Dianasaur Dishes (http://dianasaurdishes.com/) -- she is a mom who once only ate processed food and now teaches kids and families how to make real food for less than what they spend on processed food!

    Poor Girl Eats Well (http://www.poorgirleatswell.com/) -- she puts a price point on every meal she posts. she also suffers from an autoimmune disease if I remember correctly and has blogged about it.

    Melomeals (http://melomeals.blogspot.com/) -- when she was laid off, she had a budget of $100 a month which worked out to $3.33 a day. she posts all of her meals she ate for $3.33 and recipes.

    You can do this!!!!
  • HealthyAcademic
    HealthyAcademic Posts: 85 Member
    Some money saving tips:

    * Dry beans - much cheaper than canned!!!!
    * Grains from the bin -- oats, brown rice, quinoa (if on sale)
    * Buy canned and frozen veggies and fruit (plain, not fancy name brand stuff) -- they are canned and frozen at the peak of the season to retain nutrients
    * Buy meat in bulk, break it down and freeze it. I don't eat meat which makes my bills WAY cheaper. Also, instead of having a big piece of meat, chopped up smaller amounts in a dish. Eggs are also an inexpensive source of protein.
    * Buy canned tomato sauce and make your own pasta sauce
    * Make your own bread from scratch and use whole wheat flour (you can get whole grain flours that look like white flour... tricks the mind if you love white bread)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You just have to understand this is a Marathon and not a sprint, everyone will lose weight at a different pace. I lost my 1st - 100 lbs. in 6 months but the 2nd - 100 lbs. took me alittle over 12 months and this 3rd -100lbs. (11 lbs. to go) has taken me 11 months so far..... Hold yourself accountable for everything you eat and exercise. Logging everything is a good way to teach yourself to follow through.... Breaking everything down (like another poster said) is key, set small goals and reach them. Take each day as it comes and do everything you can to be as successful that day as you can, then go to bed and get up and do it again. Trying to look at the big picture can be very overwhelming and will set you up for failure..... Baby steps will get you to your goals....... Goodluck........
  • HealthyAcademic
    HealthyAcademic Posts: 85 Member
    Also, buy a bottle of real fruit juice. Add a couple tablespoons to your water. It will lightly sweetened it and you are putting real food in your body instead of chemicals.

    Or make lots of herbal tea and put it in the fridge.
  • TaraBeFree
    TaraBeFree Posts: 456 Member
    I have a total of 165 lbs to lose to be a 'normal' weight. I have lost 18 lbs so far since joining mfp late Nov. I've pretty much kept to my mfp calories of 1,500 calories a day - except around Christmas when I allowed myself to go over a pre-planned amount. What has been helpful to me is a few things:
    1. I decided to be completely honest with myself - no more vagueness. I write everything I eat and try to weigh and measure as much as I can. I even took out a ruler and measured a black forest cake at work so I could look up the calories and decide if I wanted to spend some of my days calories on it. It worked.
    2. I committed to pre-planning my food as much as possible. I mostly plan my food the day before using mfp. Then I get an idea of how much is reasonable and make sure I get a good balance of nutrition.
    3. I have no banned any foods at this point. There have been many times that I wanted chocolate (yesterday was particularly bad), but when I find out how many calories are 1serving of something, I often decide that I would rather have something more nutritious instead cause I finding that it satisfies me longer and I am becoming more proud of myself for those choices.
    4. I remind myself all the time that this is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint. I try really hard to celebrate the small wins, share with others on mfp when I am not feeling so great about myself, and I try to be willing to take baby steps. I want to set myself up for success, so what can I do today to feel successful. Somedays it is only logging my food, others days it is doing an exercise DVD. I heard once stick with the winners, and win with the stickers. Find people here who inspire you and also connect with others who face similar challenges.

    Feel free to friend me. I am in this for the long haul. I want to feel energetic, sexy, and strong again. Good luck on your journey.
  • katinthehat444
    katinthehat444 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there. I have over 100lbs to lose as well. When you selected how much you want to lose per week - what did you pick? If you picked to high a number, then your caloric intake is substantially decreased. Fresh home cooked meals are much cheaper than processed or take out. A lot of the smaller fruit & veggie markets are much more reasonably priced than the higher priced supermarkets. Good luck to you!
  • katinthehat444
    katinthehat444 Posts: 12 Member
  • katinthehat444
    katinthehat444 Posts: 12 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I haven't lost over 100 pounds but I need to lose 192.6 pounds to be at my all time weight loss goal. I have lost 25 of that already. You can feel free to add me if you wish to. I hope you find some good suggestions.
  • I have lost 190lbs in 1yr 1/2 and gain some throughout 5 years that is why I'm here. I want to lose some of what I've gain and maintain. This is a life style change! In my opinion I think there are three things you need ...focus, determination and discipline. My biggest advice to you is set a goal, make a plan, stick to it and work for it (write it down). You can definitely do it!! If you need extra support or have any questions please friend me or message me. If I don't have the answer, I can ask my nutritionist and trainer. :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I lost 100 lbs in about a year, probably could have been a bit faster but I'm lazy and took some breaks in there. I mostly focused on portion size and calories, since I have a very small food budget (was about $25 a week when I started), and my main exercise was walking once or twice a day (started at 1 mile, then up to 3.5).
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I found a great, filling breakfast that works for me.

    One English muffin (light, multigrain) 100 calories, with a 1/2 slice of cheese melted, after you toast it. With one poached egg (under 100 calories). Then, a smoothie. This is easy. 1/2 cup each of no-fat yogurt, apple juice, and frozen raspberries. The smoothie turns out to be 110 calories, depending on the brands you buy.

    So you have a homemade Egg McMuffin (you can also add a slice of ham for not many calories). And a smoothie.
    I use Trop50 apple juice, raspberries from the frozen food section, and Stonyfield organic non-fat yogurt. It seems creamier than other brands.

    A salad that works for me is: bag of any salad, as little or much lettuce as you like. Grape tomatoes, chopped. Scallions, chopped/sliced. Walnuts, crumbled blue cheese, and either craisins or fresh strawberries. Then, Marie's raspberry vinaigratte salad dressing.

    You might want to measure everything, but after a while you can eyeball it. For the salad, eat as much lettuce, onion and tomatoes as you like. Walnuts, blue cheese and dressing are something you might measure to see how much is the right amount calorie-wise.

    There are also two good books: Volumetrics and Eat This, Not That. The idea behind Volumetrics is that if you choose the right foods, you can actually eat MORE food. Eat This, Not That gives great tips, too, especially if you're eating out or away from home.

    If I go to Starbucks, I'll have a non-fat hot chocolate without whipped cream instead of a higher calorie drink. (I don't go there often, but I know if someone else wants to go, I can say yes and not worry about it).

    Best of luck to you. I've lost 25 lbs over a long period but I'd like to lose about 80-100 more.

    The other thing is to start sleeping a good amount each night. That helps with yoru metabolism
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have been here about 3 years, and have made a few friends. As a matter of fact, I tried to cull my friends list and found a tear in my eye as each one of them has helped me over the years.

    Here are a few of my close MFP friends, some in person, who have lost 100+ pounds and KEPT it off with nothing but MFP, diet and exercise.

    Three of these people were featured on TV for their success. Almost all of them RUN for crying out loud!! :laugh:

    I am proud to call them friends. AND just because I back slid and gained back some of my 36 pounds, did not keep them from calling or writing me to help me get back on track.

    Girl, you can SO do this!!!!!:drinker:




    Those are my 3 Tami's! LOL






  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello. My goal is to lose 101. If more that will be great. I have not changed what I eat. I have only changed the ammount per meal that I eat. I eat what I want but have cut back on my portions. I swim two times a week for 30 minutes each time. Sometimes I get in the shallow end no less that 4 feet and I run from end to end for 30 minutes. So far I have lost 20 pounds in five weeks. If you can't swim try walking 30 munites a day for 3 days a weak. If you're only taking in 1300 cals a day and about 200g. of carbs a day you will drop your weight so fast.

    I hope that this helps you, and good luck.
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I also have over 100 pounds to lose. 49 down since I joined mfp including a recent reality check when I gained back 6 over the holidays. One suggestion I have is instead of looking at it as 125 lbs to go set mini goals for yourself. My first goal was 20 then 40 now I have it set to 65. Find a way to reward yourself (not a food reward) when you hit your goals. As far as food I now find myself spending a bit more $ but that's only because I've found my tastes have changed and I try new foods. For the most part I eat the same thing I make my husband for dinner but I may tweak my portion, set mine aside before I add butter/gravy etc. I should mention he is almost 6 feet tall and weighs about 140 so if anything he wants to gain. I still eat fast food once in a while, mac & cheese, other foods people would recommend avoiding but I log it. Once I stopped logging I gained. I weigh everything I eat. If something says a serving size is 10 chips or 28g I weigh out 28 grams, sometimes it's more than 10 chips (yay bonus!) other times it's less (those couple calories add up!) I got a cheap food scale off ebay that weighs ounces and grams. I also tend to mix up my exercise I enjoy Zumba and was doing that quite a bit, this week it's been walking and strength training. It's all about finding what you enjoy and realizing you'll have days where you go over, and days you won't want to exercise. Sometimes we have to force ourselve to do somethin we don't want to. Some days I say okay I'll exercise 10 minutes and before I know it I've done a full dvd. If you catch yourself going over calories don't go crazy because you feel like you've blown your day but don't beat yourself up and give it all up.

    as far as calories when I started I was 315, 5'4 my calories were upwards of 1650 now I'm at 1430 you can adjust your goals as you lose but if you start yourself out too strict you're not setting yourself up for success!

    feel free to add me :)
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi there. I have over 100lbs to lose as well. When you selected how much you want to lose per week - what did you pick? If you picked to high a number, then your caloric intake is substantially decreased. Fresh home cooked meals are much cheaper than processed or take out. A lot of the smaller fruit & veggie markets are much more reasonably priced than the higher priced supermarkets. Good luck to you!

    I put in 2 lbs a week. I never eat out. I honestly have only 240 a month for a family of 5 for food. I try to eat fresh but it can be hard.
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm at 73 pounds since April. I have at least 100 more to go. You have to start somewhere. A lot of people on MFP have said that they didn't want the surgery and have opted for MFP and HAD AT IT! You can do this.! Just start.

    AS far as the food, we are in the same boat. But you do not want to buy the chocolates and sweet stuff and carb loaded items and bring them in your house... buy stuff that is better for you.

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me as we get healthier together!!!!

    Yes and portion control is a huge on also! I thought that was the craziest thing I had ever heard, but from someone who is doing it now, it works awesomely!
    I am down 46lbs from 252 since June 15,2011 and am not quite half way.
    You can add me if you would like!