lossing over 100 lbs?

I need to loss over 100 lbs. I have many heath issues and do not want to go through the surgery. Is there anyone who has lost this much in a year to help me plan my steps? My issue is I cant afford buying supper healthy foods. I will keep my cal intake to 1300 a day. However need to eat what I have in the house. I just really need friends through this...


  • countrygirl812
    There are a lot of people on here who have lost that much weight, and then some. I myself need to lose over 100. What did it say when you signed up as far as caloric intake goes? 1300 sounds like a low number for someone who needs to lose over 100.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    hello and thank you for reading my post. When I added in my info it said to keep cals to a 1300 a day. I hope this works and I dont give up. I am the kind of person who wants results right away. If they dont happen quick enough for me I tend to give up. I have no support at home. This is why I am trying to find it here. I know having people to understand the roller coaster of weight loss is a key.
  • amberkokette
    I have not lose 100+ pounds but I have about 200+ to lose. I can tell you I was hesitant about doing the surgery as well but now that is what I will be doing. I started my journey in Oct. and have lost about 35 pounds. I will be having something called the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy which is a very interesting surgery. You should look into that option as well as maybe the website where you can get some other information. It is called www.obesityhelp.com. It has a lot of great information and forums you can join to get helpful information. Oh and your calorie intake probably shouldn't be so low. I see a dietitian every month and she started me at 1800 calories a day and moved me to 1500 and said I should stay between those to no lower or you start putting your body into starvation mode. Maybe you should see a dietitian and they could help show you how to do balanced meals. I eat only 3 balanced meals a day-carbs, fats, and proteins. Then make sure you are drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water or crystal light everyday. Keep in touch and I will be the best support that I can.

  • jrogersj
    jrogersj Posts: 115 Member
    I as well have over 100 pounds to lose. I didn't think I would be able to afford healthy food either. But I just go buy fresh fruits and veggies, and eat those instead of going out to eat. I can actually eat/buy more with not eating out and buying junk food! I think of it this way, I have lost 24.8 pounds so far, and I want to be down at least 100 pounds by the end of next year. Well it takes commitment, but at the same time I am a quarter of the way to my goal! Add friends on here, they are very encouraging!!!!! It really helps!!!!!!! Good luck!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It is very doable if you are ready for it. You can't expect to lose it over night though, it will take time but if you are determined and want it for yourself than the sky is the limit. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will see results... Goodluck to you......
  • countrygirl812
    hello and thank you for reading my post. When I added in my info it said to keep cals to a 1300 a day. I hope this works and I dont give up. I am the kind of person who wants results right away. If they dont happen quick enough for me I tend to give up. I have no support at home. This is why I am trying to find it here. I know having people to understand the roller coaster of weight loss is a key.

    How tall are you? I am 5'9 and it put me at 1,880 calories to lose 2lbs per week. If your body doesn't get enough calories you won't see results. You want to make sure you are getting the nutrition you need, and also stay hydrated. I drink 160 ounces of water a day. I have tried to lose weight so many times in the past, but I just gave up after I stopped seeing the initial 15-20 pounds come off. I am doing it this time. No matter how long it takes, I am going to do it for my family that needs me here. Stick with it- log in here every single day, track every single bite of food that goes in your mouth, measure/weigh your food, and if you ever feel like giving up, shoot me an email. Go read some of the success stories on here- they will blow your mind!
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    The reason I am trying not to do the surgery is due to I have Lupus and a clotting blood dissorder. I can have it done but it is high risk for me. I thought to give this one more try. I have always had issues with my weight.
  • countrygirl812
    Oh, and something else I forgot to mention- do not deprive yourself of the foods that you love. It is a recipe for disaster because it's not practical to say that you are never going to eat chips or candy again in your life. Once you start losing weight you will binge and fall back into old habits. Moderation is the key, and just make sure to stay under your calories. I just had some Doritos for a snack, but not handful after handful. I weighed them to the serving size of 1 oz, put them in a bowl, and then put the bag away.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I am trying to drink a gallon a day. One of my issues and you are gonna think I am crazy is that I forget to drink and or eat. I am setting an alarm to remind me to eat and drink. I have been in the E.R so many time from dehydration. I am 31 almost 32 I think its time to start taking care of myself.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I was thinking about getting the 100 cal packs as my snacks. I just need to learn to eat more than one time a day. I really thank you for all the tips are are giving me. :) I am really feeling like this is a great start for me.
  • mikebudd
    mikebudd Posts: 26 Member
    You can reach your goal. I started MFP in mid-August. I am 6'2 and weighed 367 lbs. In the four months since I joined, I have lost over 50 lbs. without surgery or buying expensive foods. The most important factors that I found that help are to:
    Record everything that you eat / drink.
    Don't overestimate you exercise.
    Try to always eat your minimum calories.
    Accept the fact that you will occasionally eat more that your goal. When that happens, accept it and get back on track.
    Find the foods that you like that help you reach your goal. (Fresh fruit, steamed veggies, and turkey breast are mine).
    Find the foods to you need to restrict (breads, potatoes, noodle dishes, cheeses are mine)
    Find good snacks that you enjoy. (Fruit bars, dried fruit are good)
    And remember, you did not put the extra weight on overnight. It won't come off overnight either.
    And most important. Build a friend network that will help you in those times when you need the extra encouragement. That is what MFP provides best.
  • countrygirl812
    No, I don't think you're crazy at all. I never used to drink this much water. In fact, I would drink nothing but Coke, sweet tea, or wine. I can gurantee with as much wine as I used to drink, I packed on an additional 30 pounds to my already very heavy frame. I about fell over when I discovered just how many calories are in one 6 oz glass of wine. I chug water like it's going out of style now. I find it easier to drink more from a straw, so I have my trusty 16 oz tumbler with a straw, and each time I finish a glass, I put a hairband on the cup so I don't lose track of how much water I have consumed
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    You can reach your goal. I started MFP in mid-August. I am 6'2 and weighed 367 lbs. In the four months since I joined, I have lost over 50 lbs. without surgery or buying expensive foods. The most important factors that I found that help are to:
    Record everything that you eat / drink.
    Don't overestimate you exercise.
    Try to always eat your minimum calories.
    Accept the fact that you will occasionally eat more that your goal. When that happens, accept it and get back on track.
    Find the foods that you like that help you reach your goal. (Fresh fruit, steamed veggies, and turkey breast are mine).
    Find the foods to you need to restrict (breads, potatoes, noodle dishes, cheeses are mine)
    Find good snacks that you enjoy. (Fruit bars, dried fruit are good)
    And remember, you did not put the extra weight on overnight. It won't come off overnight either.
    And most important. Build a friend network that will help you in those times when you need the extra encouragement. That is what MFP provides best.

    Thank you for the response to my posting. I am trying to change my thinking. I know every other time my way of thinking didnt help. I would set my self up every time to not reach my goals.
  • countrygirl812
    You are very welcome. Another tip- don't waste the money on those 100 calorie packs. They cost more in the long run due to more packaging. Just get snacks and measure/weigh them, and then put them into small ziploc bags.
  • KellsJourney
    KellsJourney Posts: 51 Member
    I'm also looking to lose over 100 lbs. I've been at this for 2 months, and what has helped me is to increase my water, eat fruits and veggies, just in general eat better and not stuff my face full of sweets.
  • nmitch1689
    nmitch1689 Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't lost over 100 lbs but my goal is to lose more than that. I joined MFP on 9/21/11 and have lost a little over 30 lbs so far. I have been faithful about logging my food and trying not to go over my calorie level. I am not on any specific diet except for the food log. It helps if you log your food before you eat to make sure. It also has been helpful to research restaurants before I go so I don't get frustrated about what to order. I have several friends who have had weight loss surgery but I am determined not to go this route. If you need a friend, I will be happy to be yours.
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I haven't done it yet, but my long term goal is well over 100lbs, I'm not stopping at a year, though, I've got two years till my wedding, I am only guessing at the pound-age, I have a goal size in mind, I think thinner than a size 10-12 on me would look like I was starving myself.
  • purpadillo
    purpadillo Posts: 45 Member
    You can do it! I only had 60 lbs to lose, but I don't think you need any expensive foods. You just need to make good choices. I know that fresh fruits/veggies can get expensive, but a lot of grocery stores have good deals on frozen veggies (sometimes fruit), and they are just (and sometimes better) as good for you as fresh. I think the biggest challenge for anyone (whether you want to lose 10 lbs or 100) is learning portion control. Once you realize how many calories are in a serving size, you'll start making smarter choices (it takes some time to get the hang of it). Then, once you start working on the food, try and work some exercise in. You can rent exercise videos from a lot of libraries if you don't have other options; getting outside to walk is free. Good luck!
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    No, I don't think you're crazy at all. I never used to drink this much water. In fact, I would drink nothing but Coke, sweet tea, or wine. I can gurantee with as much wine as I used to drink, I packed on an additional 30 pounds to my already very heavy frame. I about fell over when I discovered just how many calories are in one 6 oz glass of wine. I chug water like it's going out of style now. I find it easier to drink more from a straw, so I have my trusty 16 oz tumbler with a straw, and each time I finish a glass, I put a hairband on the cup so I don't lose track of how much water I have consumed

    I drink crystal light most of the time. I gag when I drink plan water unless it is really ice cold. I like the idea of keeping track of the cups that you drink. I will have to use it :) I am a mother of three special needs children and a college student. I dont always have time to chart as soon as I drink some thing.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    You are very welcome. Another tip- don't waste the money on those 100 calorie packs. They cost more in the long run due to more packaging. Just get snacks and measure/weigh them, and then put them into small ziploc bags.

    LOL I didnt thnk about that. I just dont want to temp my self I guess. I can have my hubby pre baggie the snacks that way I dont add an extra amount lol