

  • Well, no one showed up! I was very disappointed. Oh, well. I'll try again another time. My husband and I had a nice walk anyway!
  • :smile: The numbers are picking up! Lets start some chatting!! A friend was telling me about a diet her parents are doing, something about eating 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Does anyone know about this?
  • Well, a few of the invites I sent out were accepted. I am going to do some more this evening I think. It would be nice if the conversation could get going some here. Maybe introduce yourselves and give a little background. Don't share anything you aren't comfortable sharing. :happy:
  • Well, I just joined the group... I use MFP alot to track food but only just today started looking at groups. Not sure if this one is very active, there aren't many members.