moveitmoveit Member


  • I'm on cycle 3 now- and for those who are getting really tired on c1 and c2- up the protein. Seriously. I was a little tired at the midpoint of C1, but after I doubled up on making sure I ate enough protein, I didn't feel anything like as tired- and I feel fantastic now. I've lost 10 pounds overall, and only another 8 to…
  • After reading up on all the bad side effects of sugar and sugar replacements, I told myself I could quit cold turkey for 14 days. No soda, no sugar in my coffee- nada. But I upped my fruit intake. So instead of splenda sweetened yogurt, I had greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce and a dusting of cinnamon.…
  • I'm sorry I missed your question! Earndit is a website that allows you to earn points towards rewards by exercising. You can either get workout gear, or healthy snacks for your self, or work towards a charity goal. You can provide healthcare, food, or water for the starving or misfortunate around the world. For example, a…
  • I find myself drawing on the ideas from cycle four to keep the right mentality. I'm on cycle three, day 2, and I've got 8 pounds to go. Keeping the mentality of "a day of extra carbs is not going to derail my progress, and I can always go back to cycle 1 or 2 as needed" takes soooo much of the pressure off. We're in this…
  • I'm having real trouble forcing myself to eat the carbs. I don't want to eat them- and slow down. I'm 9 pounds from my goal- and I'm gonna make it, darn it! The siren call of mms not withstanding(I give in too!), any ideas for really good ways to eat those pesky whole grains?
  • Okay, I've been losing motivation a little, but I discovered MFP connects with Endomondo. Then I discovered Endomondo connects to Earndit. I'm earning points just by working out, *and* those points get converted into actual stuff. Like workout gear, and healthy snacks., or you can donate to a charity and give food, health…
  • Still losing on cycle 2- and loving all the additional foods. I did find that I lose more steadily if I take a multivitamin and an omega3 supplement every day.
  • Ooh! I love the full fat version- can't wait to try this!
  • My first recipe is for yogurt. All those little cartons add up really fast, you know? And making it is super simple. Homemade Yogurt 1/2 gal whole milk 1/2 c powdered milk 8 ounces live culture Greek yogurt 3 qt Crockpot Accurate kitchen thermometer Immersion blender(optional) Pour milk into crockpot. Blend in dry milk…
  • Now on C2D2.... Down 6, but the best part is losing inches!! Almost 3 inches overall, and I couldn't be more excited!!!!
  • I'm absolutely shocked how full I feel after adding in cycle 2 starches! No drastic weight loss, but steady! :)
  • My biggest struggle so far has been flavor. I love to cook- and I use a wide range of flavors. Most of which, to be perfectly honest, are high in butter, cream, and copious amounts of cheese. But! Tonight I sautéed 2 chopped chicken breasts in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, with garlic and herbs. The chicken caramalized, and…
  • Fitness Goal 1 is to feel healthy by April. I'm guessing it's 16 pounds. Fitness Goal 2 To do something very healthy every single day, exercise-wise. Even if it's only walking around my garden with a cup of green tea. Last year my goal was to finish projects(I'm a crafter and artist), and as I got so much done, I'm going…
  • He's being very supportive. Though he was extremely put out I didn't make garlic bread with dinner. Oh well. :)
  • I went grocery shopping today with all of the children in the area who were out of school. I'd forgotten that it wasn't just my kids out of school, you know? I'd also forgotten that my treat when I get home with out losing my mind is a homemade mocha and a truffle. I had green tea. It just wasn't the same, but it was…
  • I hope you feel better soon! If I don't have enough veggies in the house I start to cave into temptation. Can you at least hold down water? Enough fluids can help kick start this thing, I think.
  • Hardest thing I've found(aside from hot lemon water) is the green tea. I've loathed green tea for years, and I wasn't sure I could do that part. But I found that Lipton's green tea with acai, dragon fruit, and melon tastes nothing like green tea :D That's my tip so far. As for the lemon water.... I can't drink it really…
  • I don't think you're supposed to be highly active in phase 1. I'm pretty sure Dr. Mike recommends no more than 2 blocks of 17 minutes of light activity per day, because there's not enough complex carbs and varied protein sources, though I did leave my book at home. Maybe you could follow the PMS exception week, or skip to…
  • Hi I'm Kaelin, 29, mother of two. My goal is to not be apple shaped by my birthday. I'll be 30, and while the number doesn't bother me, I feel like I should be setting better examples for my kids. I've been playing with the diet parameters for the last couple of days, and I think this is very doable! Here's the Health in…
  • Hi! I actually sorta started on Sunday, but New Years was too tempting. :) Giving all the leftovers to my kids and weighing in with you guys to help keep me on track. I can do this! Starting weight: 147 Goal Weight: about 130ish I think. I'm actually focusing more on inches and less on pounds. My true goal is to not worry…