Cycle 2

AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
How's everyone doing?


  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    I'm absolutely shocked how full I feel after adding in cycle 2 starches!

    No drastic weight loss, but steady! :)
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I just started Cycle 2 today, and I was so pleased to have my oatmeal back (that I used to gripe about eating before by the way). I lost 9.6 pounds on Cycle 1. My goal was 10, so I am pleased.

    SW 183.4
    CW- 173.8
    C2GW- 165

    Keep up the good work ladies!!! You are all doing awesome!
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    Still losing on cycle 2- and loving all the additional foods.

    I did find that I lose more steadily if I take a multivitamin and an omega3 supplement every day.
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I also take an Omega 3 and a multi vitamin every day. I also take calcium since I am trying to get my bone to fuse with my new hips. But as far as weight loss, I am my own worst enemy! I have had a lot of things that are NOT on the 17 day diet. I am still plugging along though.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Started Cycle 2 and the sweet potato was wonderful Have not been perfect but 7 pound lose is good to me. I have been stuck for months and so any lose is wonderful.

    I take same vitamins.

    Good luck with this stage.
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    Okay, I've been losing motivation a little, but I discovered MFP connects with Endomondo. Then I discovered Endomondo connects to Earndit. I'm earning points just by working out, *and* those points get converted into actual stuff. Like workout gear, and healthy snacks., or you can donate to a charity and give food, health care, and water to people around the world.

    It's so cool! You can either google 'em, or if you want to help me out, you can click my link. ;)

    And I lost four pounds since yesterday! *happy dance*
  • Khalter1975
    Khalter1975 Posts: 30 Member
    Can you tell me what Earndit is?
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I'm just wondering how everyone is doing on cycle 2. Tomorrow is my official weekly weigh in day, but I'll tell you.....I weighed myself a couple of times this week and the scale had not budged. I'm just curious if anyone else saw that their first week on cycle 2.
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I crashed and burned. I tasted some carbs and went hog wild. I am trying desparately to have one day on Cycle 1 again! Aye yi yi!
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I know once carbs were introduced , it has been hard to stay away.
  • Khalter1975
    Khalter1975 Posts: 30 Member
    I knew that I couldn't live without some carbs so at night I have a small amount of mms. You only live once. I have been keeping track of all my calories on MFP. This week I had chips and cheese three night in a row....but I counted them all. I did only lose 1 pound instead of the 2 or 3 I was hoping's okay. I just know that I have to do better. I am still at my goal for March 23. I have 14.8 pounds to go...
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I knew that I couldn't live without some carbs so at night I have a small amount of mms. You only live once. I have been keeping track of all my calories on MFP. This week I had chips and cheese three night in a row....but I counted them all. I did only lose 1 pound instead of the 2 or 3 I was hoping's okay. I just know that I have to do better. I am still at my goal for March 23. I have 14.8 pounds to go...

    I tried that too, but it backfired on me and I am out of control with carbs. Back on Cycle 1 tomorrow after the grocery store.
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    I'm having real trouble forcing myself to eat the carbs. I don't want to eat them- and slow down. I'm 9 pounds from my goal- and I'm gonna make it, darn it!

    The siren call of mms not withstanding(I give in too!), any ideas for really good ways to eat those pesky whole grains?
  • Khalter1975
    Khalter1975 Posts: 30 Member
    I am having a hard time staying motivated these last five days....I need a boost.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    MoveitMoveit: mix them in your soup or salad...brown rice, quinoa are good choices and pick up taste of other ingredients.

    Khalter: we are all struggling...or those that aren't have not spoken up. On my weak days , I try to refer to the book more. And sometimes try a new recipe to keep myself motivated. It is hard and guess we wouldn't be here if it were easy. Hope you are having better days and just take it one day at a time.
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    I have really crashed and burned. I am really struggling to get back on track. It is like I have been consumed by a carb demon and I cannot perform the exorcism myself. HELP!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! Good grief Charlie Brown!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I knew that I couldn't live without some carbs so at night I have a small amount of mms. You only live once. I have been keeping track of all my calories on MFP. This week I had chips and cheese three night in a row....but I counted them all. I did only lose 1 pound instead of the 2 or 3 I was hoping's okay. I just know that I have to do better. I am still at my goal for March 23. I have 14.8 pounds to go...

    I tried that too, but it backfired on me and I am out of control with carbs. Back on Cycle 1 tomorrow after the grocery store.

    This happened to me on C2 the first time I did it too. I am nervous to start C2 this time. Not making the power cookies lol, I would inhale them!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Starting cycle two today a little early. I was starting sneak carbs here and there because I was craving so bad. Retread the diet and realized I was getting lax towards the end of cycle 1. Justifying eating cheese for example to keep calories up, eating cantaloupe and so on. All in all I am down 5-6 lbs on cycle one, which is great when I have do little to go. Goal is 142 by end of C2. I am going to shoot for 1200 on C1 days, 1400 on C2. Anyone else tracking their cals?
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    Can you tell me what Earndit is?

    I'm sorry I missed your question! Earndit is a website that allows you to earn points towards rewards by exercising. You can either get workout gear, or healthy snacks for your self, or work towards a charity goal. You can provide healthcare, food, or water for the starving or misfortunate around the world.

    For example, a 20 minute grocery shopping trip which shows up in endomondo as "walking slowly 2.0 mph" translates as 2 points. But my afternoon 2 mile walk averaging 4.5 mph, nets 20 points. Five walks, and I can either give healthcare to a village somewhere, or I get $10-$25 gift certificate for exercise gear.

    It's just really cool all the way around. :) The only downside that I can find is remembering to turn on endomondo to track! Manual entries don't count towards earndit. ;)
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I made it through cycle 1 and halfway through cycle 2. I lost 13 lbs and my weight loss completely stalled during cycle 2. I felt tired, weak, and overall pretty crappy.

    I'm not following 17 day diet anymore. I'm having more than 2 pieces of fruit per day if I'd like....I'll have a starch with dinner.....I'm back to eating nuts and hummus and low fat salad dressing and peanut butter and cheese...and I feel GREAT!!! I'm able to do substantial workouts and feel so much stronger and have lost 4lbs in the past week.

    I tried 17 day diet last year after I feel off the wagon for awhile....and it helped me lose 20 lbs and get me back in my clothes and in the right head to eat healthy/workout regularly. This time it didn't work for me. I still try to eat clean, and at least 1500 calories per day, and workout at least 30 mins 5 days per week. I think 17 day diet is great for anyone that needs to see that loss to get them motivated or needs to lose to fit into clothes they no longer fit in. I strongly urge anyone who is not feeling that great on it to try something else...and not to get discouraged and give up!

    Good luck to everyone!!!