

  • Thank you so much for the help and advice, after researching water retention I found out the significance of too much sodium, salt in the diet and that web link that you suggested was brilliant. It made me realize that so many of my problems have been purely because I don't drink the 8 cups of water a day!! I can't believe…
  • Hey Lisa! How is it going? Are you keeping to your calorie amount every day? I did a load of exercise today and now totally wiped out. It's the end of the week and am looking forward to a rest this weekend. I am completely the same, regarding the computer, reading or watching films! I'm a big film buff and when I see the…
  • Hi everyone, my first week has been very interesting for the same reasons as 'Last fighter'. Sadly though, I haven't lost any weight yet. I'm getting to grips with the calories and fat intake in each food that I have. I can't believe the results when I add it to MFP. It does make you want to do more exercise to burn the…