

  • I don't blame you for not being confident in the sidepull at speed. I ride all my horses except 1 in a snaffle bit, including one that neck reins. Bits are only harsh in the hands of people that do not understand how they work. I suspect that the pallet in your mare's mouth is shallow and that is why she doesn't respond…
  • Here is my formula to keeping from getting sore... 1. premedicate with an anti-inflamatory (Ibuprophen, Aleve, etc) 2. STRETCH for at least 10-20 mins prior to activity 3. Exercise like normal... :) 4. STRETCH for at least 10-15 mins after activity 5. Repeat daily... The reason I pre-medicate with an anti-inflamatory, it…
  • I second the breeches comment... I have been riding english all my life. I started out in a western saddle but now really hate them for they are hard on my knees no matter how much you turn those fenders. If it is more than a stirrup leather then it is just too much.. :) Full-seat breeches/tights I have found for under $50…
  • Hello, I have been riding since I was 7 yrs old. I have ridden everything from Huntseat, Dressage, a very little jumping, Western pleasure and some Western Horsemanship. That was all back when I was young and in school. Now I trail ride as much as I can. I have 3 horses (OTT Standardbreds) I call my own and 2 boarders that…
  • yep send a friend request... :)
  • Corn oil added to their diet will help a lot and will keep the extra food you do give them sliding right through too as a colic prevention with the older horses. I would go with a LOW Protein diet so that they don't burn the calories that they are given. Depending on how skinny they are you can work up to about a 1/2 cup…
  • I had been watching those Extreme weight loss shows on Hulu about a month ago. It gave me inspiration... My reasons for my weight loss are about my health (I quit smoking last year after smoking for 24 years), a vacation I want to take next year where I need to be under the 200 mark to be able to go (my goal is well under…
  • I have had the same trouble, getting so obsessive about food that I end up going over the allotted calories for the day... What I have done to curb this is figure out which foods are OK to go over the count with vs the ones that are not so great... For instance.. keeping fruit around will help, when you think about food,…
  • I remember when I used to be able to do that very thing.. 60 mins on a lunge posting the trot, waving my arms about touching various parts of the horse... yep... and never sore either... Now? well lets just say I am not anything like I used to be... I do try to go without stirrups as much as I can but I too have a hard…