overcoming muscle soreness

So this past Friday I did the entire (well as much as possible) 40 minute workout of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones". Then yesterday I hurt so bad I couldn't move. My upper body was a little tender but my lower body was so sore I could hardly go up and down stairs. Now here's my question. Was that too much? She says to push as hard as you can but does that mean you shouldn't be able to move the next day. I'm still a little sore today but went for a walk with some running in it and it was fine but I'm afraid to do the dvd again because I'm really into this exercising everyday thing. Any comments or suggestions?


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    stretch afterwards can help with soreness
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    You should stretch before and after a workout to prevent muscle soreness.
    I've been told to eat banana's for potassium to help with muscle soreness but then I've also been told banana's contribute to belly fat. Have you tried a hot shower or soak in a tub then stretching your aching muscles to help alleviate the soreness?
    If you keep up the exercising your muscles will get used to being used but maybe start off with half the intensity and work your way up.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I felt the same way after my first time through her 30 Day Shred - so much pain! :tongue: I took three days off from workouts to let my poor muscles heal, then got back to it. Listen to your body - if you're still so sore it hurts to go up and down stairs or to sit down/get up, take it easy and just walk until the soreness is better. It won't be as bad the next time you do the workout.
  • lustrebass
    lustrebass Posts: 47 Member
    In my experience, the first time (or two) that you do a new exercise, your muscles will yell at you a bit. Usually what I do is just continue to do the exercise the next scheduled time, and the soreness goes away. Be sure to stretch after any exercise.

    Recently I started using the Biggest Loser Wii Fit game, and after the first routine my legs and thighs were really cooked. Sore big time the next day. Day after that, though, I did the routine again, and the soreness was gone by the end of the routine, and didn't come back the next day.
  • eduardoschoen
    I had this problem this week thanks to my first workout with my personal trainer. After enduring extremely sore arms for a couple of days I ended up sitting in the hot tub at Lietime Fitness for 20 minutes. Muscles that have not been worked hard in a long time will be sore but stretching, etc. may help reduce the amount of soreness and the number of recovery days.

    Good luck and I hope your soreness goes away soon.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    You should stretch before and after a workout to prevent muscle soreness.
    I've been told to eat banana's for potassium to help with muscle soreness but then I've also been told banana's contribute to belly fat. Have you tried a hot shower or soak in a tub then stretching your aching muscles to help alleviate the soreness?
    If you keep up the exercising your muscles will get used to being used but maybe start off with half the intensity and work your way up.

    Why would bananas contribute to belly fat any more than another fruit? That's silly.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    As others have mentioned, stretching. Additionally, start off a little lighter. Do 20 minutes instead of 40 and work your way up. Alternatively, assuming you don't have any contraindications, ibuprofen is great for muscle pain. Not for long term daily use but it might get you through the roughest first weeks.

    I remember when I first started p90x. I didn't walk right for a week after the plyocide video.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Stretch. Best advice I could give you even if it hurts to do it! The next time you do it, you probably won't be as sore.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    stretching & protein :)
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 97 Member
    ^^^^^^^ kudos, especially the protein right before you go to bed so that it works on healing you up while you sleep
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I could hardly walk after my first 30 day shred session, so the next time I did it, I decided to follow the modified version and not go quite as deep on the squats. Just because you can do a full squat doesn't mean you should! :ohwell: Over time it got easier, and I progressed into the full intensity workout without being so sore.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Time, foam rolling, warm baths and the occasional Advil help me with muscle soreness.
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    I just recently started back working out due to asthma issues that weren't controlled. Now that everything is ok. I just started Last Sunday working out, so its been one week for me.

    I'm doing Bob Harpers PURE BURN SUPER STRENGTH 3 days a week and the other days cardio.....AS always the first time starting something like that is rough...the next day I WAS SO SORE......it was horrible, i stretched and nothing.....the 2nd time i did it I wasn't sore AS much, but still sore.....

    Now yesterday I did cardio AND the strength dvd HOURS apart from each other and I woke up this morning IN PAIN !!!!

    I still had to push through and do my cardio today though, but i only did 30 mins. the more you do it the better it will be....

    Also don't let 48 hours pass without doing it, muscles will forget and it will be like starting all over again......

    I've witnessed it for sure!

    Oh and yes ibuprofen maybe your friend!!
  • chizumlassstar
    chizumlassstar Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. There is some stretching in the video but I can definately ad more after. I just took a day off and went for a run today and my muscles weren't too bad. They are still a little sore but bearable. I did take a hot relaxing bath last night and that helped. I think the next time I do it I will definately modify, but for now I'm just gonna stick to the kick-boxing. Thanks everyone for the tips.
  • Xatholasian
    Here is my formula to keeping from getting sore...

    1. premedicate with an anti-inflamatory (Ibuprophen, Aleve, etc)
    2. STRETCH for at least 10-20 mins prior to activity
    3. Exercise like normal... :)
    4. STRETCH for at least 10-15 mins after activity
    5. Repeat daily...

    The reason I pre-medicate with an anti-inflamatory, it will help keep joints and muscles from becoming inflamed and sore. I do this a lot before riding my horse because of the variety of muscles one uses, the fact that they are hard to stretch adequately on the ground most times and because I am FAR less stiff the following two days when I do.

    I do this for me AND my horses (although I use a different anti-inflamatory for them than I do for me)
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    stretching & protein :)

    This and plenty of water!
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    This is absolutely normal, especially since you're just getting into it. Don't worry, you'll start to love the soreness! It means it's working! (as long as it's not pain)

    Like the others have said, stretching after the workout (not before UNLESS you're warmed up), with water will definitely help
  • OneFitDude16
    Uhhh...I'm in tip top shape and I still get sore. That's what's supposed to happen. Stretching definitely helps a lot. But remember to not just do static stretching (where you just sit and hold a stretch) but do some squats and slow movement stretches too. Also remember to exercise a different muscle group everyday and have 1-3 rest days a week. Hope this helps! :)
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    You've already gotten some great advice here but I disagree with one thing - do not stretch before you work out. You can warm up with a little cardio or a walk but do not stretch cold muscles. Save your stretching for after your workout.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    New stimulus often causes muscle soreness.

    Keep doing it and it won't be sore anymore.