

  • Hey welcome, don't feel bad it seems like it happen to a lot of us including yours truly. Wow thats pretty good weight loss for five weeks keep it up and of course keep on tracking thats the key, knowing your limits and deciding if that temptation is really worth it.
  • Well the way I've been excerising has allow me to lose about a pound a day, hope it helps. I exercise at the gym using the calorie counting machine till I reach 2500 calories burn. I determine that my daily caloric intake is about 2900 calories, so I reduce it by 1800 calories leaving me about 3500 calorie deficit each…
  • I agree, using my iphone app at the gym helps me keep track of the calories I burned and let me know how much of it I can used towards my caloric intake for the day. Hitting the gym and turning up the burn really help me get over those plateaus that everyone talks about with the weightwatchers diet, no more points for me.…
  • It really does especially if you have an ideal Heart Rate that you're trying to achieve, distance, and the amount of time it takes you achieve a certain burn. There are various settings that you can choose once you accomplish one that should be able to switch it up for you and not make it so boring. At the gym I workout at…
  • Well I always have accepted the fact that there is always someone out there better looking than me and there is always someone out there worse than I am weight wise. All that should matter is how your true friends and love ones feel around you, if they can accept you for who you are then so should you. Trust me there are a…
  • Hello I'm Edward and I'm new to MyFitnessPal. I'm currently at 226 at 6' 1" and I'm trying to reach my ideal weight of 190. I've recently tried counting points and thought that counting calories will be a lot better since everything has calories. I'm enjoying the ease of which to log my calories and find this app to quite…