

  • Been working out in the morning for nearly three years now. I do it five days a week. I don't have children so it makes it easy for me but I wouldn't have it any other way. I work out at my place of business and then shower there as well. I feel so much better knowing I have accomplished this in the morning and then I…
  • Wow, you look amazing! Keep up the good work!
  • You look amazing! You are truly a gorgeous woman! Don't give up on your weight loss journey - you can do it! Since I got to my goal weight, I don't let myself go much more than 5 lbs. over. If I do, I get right back on track and get that weight off again. It's too hard getting it off. I always get mad with myself when I…
  • I get to the gym at 5 a.m. weekday mornings. I get up at 4:00 a.m. Love the early morning workouts. I work out for an hour then get ready for work at the gym. If I didn't do it in the morning, I don't think I would work out as regularly. Feel much better throughout the day after working out. Sets your mind to eat healthy…
  • You don't know how much I needed to hear that this morning. Not on my weight loss journey but in another area of my life. Thanks for sharing your heart today!
  • I vote for the last dress! You look great in it!
  • You look amazing! Keep up the great work! Kudos to you!
  • The couple that likes to be all lovey dovey in the gym - really people! And then when you walk out to the parking lot, they are making out right in front of the gym. Come on people, get a room!
  • I work out at 5 a.m. every weekday morning and I usually eat either 1/2 cup of cereal at 4:30 or drink a cup of kefir before I go to the gym. Drink cup of coffee on my way there. Don't usually have any problems with that. Gives me energy to work out. Then when I get to work I eat breakfast around 8 or 8:30. I try to eat…