sportsrn1 Member


  • Yay!!!!!! That's awesome! Congrats! You are at my goal weight!!!! Thanks for posting pics! They are inspiring!
  • Sorry, I just saw this. No, I haven't gained the weight back, but I have gained 2-3 pounds, only because I was eating bad, and water weight. :/ That's what I love about these supplements and the advocare program. It teaches you how we all should eat. You shouldn't have to stay on product to maintain. Once you learn to eat…
  • AMAZING!!!! Yay!!!!!! I am doing great when I am able to stick with it! :) I lost 10 pounds my first 24 day challenge. I have been off and on MNS for about 3 weeks. I can really tell a difference without it. I feel so much better when I am on product. I have about 20 to 25 pounds left?
  • First of all, congrats on the weight you have lost and your baby, and breastfeeding! All amazing accomplishments. I would like to offer my assistance, for what its worth. I'm a nurse, specializing in sports medicine. With that field, you learn a lot about nutrition. I have also, been where you have been in regards to…
  • I am on the go all day, I like the Almond Milk mixed with EAS Lean 15 protein powder. The EAS has 100 calories, 15g protein, 5 grams of fiber, and only 2 grams of sugar. But, I end up eating like rice cakes and almond butter like 3 hours later only because I am trying to keep my metabolism going. I also like the pure…
  • It looks like all 3 of you are just getting started on the 24 day challenge? I would love to offer support. I finished the 24 day challenge last month, and lost 10 pounds and 7.5 inches total. I absolutely love the products. Feel free to message me if you guys have questions. I'm a distributor, not looking to make a sale,…
  • It's awesome stuff, isn't it? If you don't mind, can you report your loss in inches! It's exciting and motivating! Congrats!!!!
  • Don't stop!!!! One day at a time. Celebrate the small victories. I have been trying to lose weight since I was a little girl. I'm 32, a nurse, and I finally have figured out what I have been doing wrong.......GIVING UP. I would go strong for about 3-4 weeks, and then "reward myself", and get back off track. Gain the weight…