

  • Thank you. Your recipe sounds delicious. I will try it out.
  • I have that same problem. I could be just walking in the heat during the day or the cool at night and my body breaks out into these ugly, itchy, rashy bumps. I'm like this when I exercise as well, when I take a cool down I'm in pain for an hour with breaking out in the hives from sweat. I try using baby power and gold bond…
  • Hello My name is Pinky Arianne Guidry and this is my first time using this site. Starting today I will no longer engage in unhealthy eating and not exercise as well. I have a weight lost goal. I would like to be 140 pounds by my 25th birthday which is May 13, 2012!
  • The food that kill my diet all the time is potato chips and dips. Im in love with Doritos, Hot Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles the cheesy ones, Cheetos puffs, Hot cheetos puffs and I always have to have it with Ranch Dip or Nacho cheese dip. I have stop eating chips and dip all together that stuff is not healthy and Im already a…