the food that kills your diet everytime



  • I had to pretty much give up Cheezits... SOOO good but if I bought any I couldn't eat just a few! Pizza is also a huge weakness but I just try to exercise my butt off on a day when I might be "forced" to eat some at a friend's house or something. :)
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    anything chocolate
  • Red meat. Especially burgers.
  • nenabubbles
    nenabubbles Posts: 13 Member
    Black pepper and sea salt kettle chips! Or Chinese

    These are my weakness!!!!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    When I was actively losing before maintenance I "cheated" four times in a year. 3 of those 4 were Baskin Robbins Butter Pecan Ice Cream :)

    Even though I dont consider myself dieting now but rather this is just how I eat... I still try and avoid that place!
  • vbskinny
    vbskinny Posts: 7 Member
    omg... Smartfood Popcorn! I can eat the whole BIG bag to myself in one night! it's terrible.. and also trail mix :s
  • Homemade cookies! If they are in the house, I will eat every single one of them! I don't understand it, but that's what happens. I have just given up sugar entirely and I am better for it. It takes about 6 weeks before the cravings end but if you eat lots of vegies and fruit, your body likes it so much, it doesn't need all the sugar.
  • Chocolate for sure
  • Mountain Dew, I can give it up for awhile but after a couple weeks I crave it soo much
  • Pasta and Scalloped potatoes!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Food within reach.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Before last week I would have said nothing and that I eat what I want when I want it within moderation. That was before my mother made a couple batches of peanut butter fudge and I mainlined it for 3 days straight. It wasn't pretty.
  • The food that kill my diet all the time is potato chips and dips. Im in love with Doritos, Hot Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles the cheesy ones, Cheetos puffs, Hot cheetos puffs and I always have to have it with Ranch Dip or Nacho cheese dip. I have stop eating chips and dip all together that stuff is not healthy and Im already a type 2 diabetic. I don't want high blood pressure at age 24.
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    boxed cereal.... one serving is seemingly SO small.... and i always end up wanting much more!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Before last week I would have said nothing and that I eat what I want when I want it within moderation. That was before my mother made a couple batches of peanut butter fudge and I mainlined it for 3 days straight. It wasn't pretty.

    Oh my goodness! That makes me kind of happy that I was two thousand miles away from my family this Christmas. lol I know my mom and my grandma would have had a LOT of "goodies" around - it would have been so hard! My grandma makes these chocolate peanut butter things with some type of cereal and it is SO GOOD.

    I feel your pain man! Now it's time to get back on track, my friend! *happy dance*
  • what is everyone's favorite food/ biggest weakness? the one where once you start eating you just can't stop?

    for me its goldfish and cheez-its.

    i don't buy them at the store because once i get home i know i will scarf the whole box but i work at my gym's day care one day a week and they are always fully stocked. ahh! its killing me. every time a kid asks for a snack i take some for myself.

    just wondering what everyone else has trouble with.

    Add sweets to that and that's me too I am a sucker for those cheez-its tho!!!
  • bagels or breakfast pizza!!! fml i tried to fight the urge to eat breakfast pizza this morning but i couldnt then i was depressed all day
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Avocado AND butter on toast, with salt and pepper. Oh my goodness, it is such a comfort food for me. But you know, fat + fat + carb.....uuughhh
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    SODA ! I will drink water all day long, but if i know their is a can of coke in the frig I will have to drink it at some point that day or ill do crazy !!!!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Lay's Kettle Chips, Cheeze-Its, and Mexican Carnitas...

    Any one of those will take me out!