i have a really low heart rate and my trainer said it is not because I'm extra fit or anything, it might just be genetic. I just always run a low heart rate on heart rate monitors. I can run/ride with people who are a similar height/weight and it is amazing how much lower my heart rate is. I have the same problem when…
I love avocado, I eat a 1/4 of one a day on a sandwich. They are soooo good for brain health. I agree, if it meets your goals, you are good to go.
Boom Chicka Pop popcorn--amazing and like 35 cals a cup!
I meet with a trainer every few months and he gives me routines that I can do at home. Then I do them on my own at home. I only have free weights and a stability ball. I work full time and have a toddler, so this works really well!
probably what you are eating, think more protein and healthy fats. They keep you fuller longer.