frankiep73 Member


  • there is an app, audible, that has e-books. I don't read because I fall asleep, but I've covered much ground listening to my books while walking/biking and the likes.
  • I only enter food in MFP and let anything auto fill back and forth. I don't have the patience for more than one place....
  • I had lost 100lbs and due to an injury my exercise routine was halted. I have never truly regained, and have since fallen into depression and that alone messes with the body. Add into the mix, a baby, turning 40, diagnosis of a physical disorder (fibromyalgia) and post-partum depression, you get a not so pretty mindset. It…
  • I previously lost 100# in under 12 months. Ridiculous, I know. But I had serious motivation and I did it. That being said, I did not face any saggy skin as I did it with consistent exercising of all muscle groups. I was very lucky. I did encounter the female "bat wings" under my upper arms, but that is something I just…
  • T25! I'm doing the 21 day fix and love the T25 much better. MUCH.
  • Leaving for Disney in 16 days. Total last minute trip and totally not prepared.
  • I'm 6'1" and at a number I'm not happy with. Turned 40 last year and I cannot for the life of me lose my belly weight! My butt and thighs are getting thinner but I cannot get the belly shrunk. When I eat or drink, that is 100% of the time where it lands. My sister who is 2 years old agrees that 40 stuck us in the mud for…
  • Inspiring! You exude confidence!
  • First, you cannot find your own happiness through a relationship with another person. Before you can be happy with someone, you need to be happy WITH yourself. My mother taught me that and it was 1000% true. Yes, 1,000%. If you present yourself as happy, but you really are not, others do see that and that will lead to…
  • Ditch the sugar free items. They are filled with chemicals and that is awful for your entire body. Drink water, more water and then, more water. For something surgary at night try eating fresh fruit that is in season. Chop up bananas and freeze them, then put them in the blender for a banana 'ice cream'. If you need…
  • Did the HRM have a chest strap? Wrist ones are generally less accurate. When I do T25, I burn a min of 250 calories, no matter which session I am doing. I have a Garmin and love it!
  • How about condoms? Or if you are married, tracking on a calendar? And depending on your age, hormonal changes can be normal. Have you tried a BCP that is very low dose and one that is the same dosage throughout the months? I know when the dosage changes, my body reacts adversely.
  • I feel the same way, as I sit here eating a package of Chocolate Non-Pariels and feeling awful. My triggers are so simple: breathing. I am doing so good for so long and then, bam, I'm off the wagon. Food addiction sucks. I've battled binge eating since I was a kid and yet never had the weight problem until my mid 20's. Now…
  • How Do You Like Me Now - Toby Keith Kinda like a booya! I'm doing great!
  • I did. I lost 100# in less than a year, but by changing my life. I had people ask me if I was sick, if there was something wrong. I work in a more ethnic area where curves are highly regarded as beauty so being 6'1" and 165# they thought I was too skinny. Little did they know, that I was smack in the middle of the healthy…
  • I'm not pregnant but we are TTC #2 and asked my OB about weight gains during pregnancy. Preg #1 was extremely hard on my body and I gained way too much weight. Most due to my own eating, but a lot due to bed rest and BP issues. My OB said there is no minimum amount to gain and there is no real maximum amount to gain, so…
  • Congratulations on taking the first step in your weight loss journey. Yes, journey. 7 years ago, I began mine and it has been a roller coaster at the very least. I successfully lost 100lbs in under a year, however, I had major health complications, very difficult pregnancy and I'm still on my journey to get to a healthy…
  • You can get on YouTube and find videos to do in the house, for free. I get the need a free option, as that was what I needed 5 years ago when I had finally taken off the weight... then came the medically complicated pregnancy and lots of other things. I, too, am where you are and just don't want this weight anymore. I'm…
  • I'm in Chicago, Polar Vortex and Lake Michigan is at 90% frozen and we have had the coldest and snowiest winter in decades. I'm tired of the layers, the snow, the backbreaking work to dig ourselves out, the shoveling because the snow blower doesn't throw it that high. Damage: being rear ended $650, heating bill $250 for 3…
  • Yes, your body gets used to it. I usually only drink that and my AM coffee. During the work day, I can be upto 144oz and then when I am at home, at most another 8oz and I have to stop by 7pm or I'm up too many times to pee in the middle of the night. I have been working hard at retraining my bladder but not causing issues.…
  • I agree with the others that the only true motivator will come from within. HOWEVER, friends can encourage you, support you and celebrate, or even cry with you. I understand the depression with what you are going through. I personally have battled depression and eating disorders (overeating, binge eating) for the last 20…
  • I have struggled, and still do struggle. It isn't a daily struggle, but more of a minute by minute struggle. I have been through so much therapy I could write a book about it. When I was single living alone, I would hide food in my own house even though no one would ever know. I now do the same but hide from my husband.…
  • I started today and also was thankful for the modifier Tonya. I also am doing the 5 day fast track to start myself off. I had already reduced what I was eating the last 10 days or so, with mostly focusing on ditching the junk. I workout with a group at work 2-3x a week, though only 2 are of any kind of true benefit. I will…
  • I struggle daily, by the minute, by the thought. I have hidden my binge foods since I was a kid. My parents knew I had it, but no one spoke of it. I do it now, and my husband doesn't speak of it. I have been through therapy, have done the keep it out of the house, keep it out of my grocery cart, you name it. I found my…
  • My husband & I are. Along with a group of moms in my local area. Feel free to friend me!
  • The FDA website is a victim of the government shutdown, so how can they have concluded in the last week?
  • My knuckles are bigger than they should be, but I have thin fingers so the rings are sized smaller than the knuckle, making them very hard to come off. I wear them 24/7. I'm extra super duper proud to be married and have no problems with weights.
  • I know where you are coming from. I have battled depression for years, and at my highest weight point, I felt what was the point, so I kept eating. Then, I got some scary lab results and I said the same thing, "what's the point" and took it to be positive. It was very hard to begin, to take that first step into WW (which…
  • 30-60 minutes/day for up to 4 times a week now. I am a mommy of a 2 year old and I work full time out of the home so I pack as much in as I can when I do it. I just don't have more than that to spend exercising so I do what I can. the 60 minutes days are usually killers and the trainer who leads our small class really…
  • I am much much taller, but understand the soda crave. I gave up all diet soda and all other artificial sweeteners 9/10/13 and have not looked back. I feel amazing and the crave goes away. I also believe that with the artificial sweeteners, I was craving more food and more sweets than ever in my life. My joints feel better,…