_tracy_ Member


  • I'm a newbie too and would be glad to walk this journey with you. I think food plans have to be very individual based on your triggers, etc., but I can share some of the sites given to me to start figuring out the process. I'm sure it will go through many modifications along the way. Glad to have you here! ODAT!!!
  • I just wanted to update that I have been working the program & attending online meetings daily. I found a fantastic sponsor, established MFP, and today had my first successful day of abstinence. It's been a bit of a rough week getting to this point, but I made it, and will continue just ODAT! God grant me the serenity to…
  • I want to thank you all for your recommendations & support. I have been using the online meetings at recovery.org and they seem to be helping. Phone meetings aren't an option right now. My toddler, awake or asleep, seems to find the phone to be a magnet and considers it party time! I am enjoying the recovery.org format and…
  • Thanks so much! I just joined so I will be ready for their January Intro group. Excited & scared at the same time.