

  • Polar's FT7 is the most popular HRM on the market. I've had mine about two weeks and I love it. I did almost two months worth of research before I finally decided on this one. It's about $120USD but so very worth it. It comes with the watch and chest strap. By actually measuring your beats per minute, you've given the most…
  • If you're looking to invest in a really good HRM, Polar's FT7 is the most popular model out there. It gives everything beginners need plus features to make it more advanced. I caught mine on sale at Academy Sports for $89 but they usually run $119. A good HRM is the best and most accurate way to measure calories burned…
  • It's been shown that soy is not a good choice for women. Because our bodies treat the phytoestrogen as natural estrogen, it's been linked to increase in lady-cancers. Coconut milk is more of the consistency of skim milk where almond is that of whole or 2%. One physician compared consuming soy to swimming in shark-infested…