

  • Can anyone recommend a water:quinoa ratio for cooking and also how long it needs to be cooked for? I think I tried to cook mine like pasta (inherited some from a friend as I have been recommended it for dietary purposes) and WAY overcooked it. If anyone knows, I'd really like a recommendation. Thanks
  • Here's my tuppence worth from the UK: 1. I am six foot tall and big with it (of course, when I was younger, either I had 'big bones' or could 'carry the weight'. No folks, I just got fat. Why should I be concerned about what people think now that I am seeking to lose weight and shape up? I never gave those same people a…
  • Fat free greek yoghurt with pureed fruit stirred in. I recently had a load of apples left over (always buying fruit and never eating it!) so blitzed them with some cinnamon and threw in some yoghurt, froze it ... my goodness it was lovely and if you do it yourself so you know what is in your fruit - blooming delicious.…
  • As an addendum to this: I have been cooking using James's cookbook. I haven't done the Kickstart (although am debating it!) but have adopted CRAP (caffeine, refined sugars, alcohol and processed food) as a framework. I love the recipes although I get it is easier to eat his plan if you a) eat meat and fish (me veggie) and…
  • I have been cooking out of James Duigan's Lean and Clean Cookbook. James is a celebrity trainer (Elle McPherson - who doesn't want HER body!!!) and I caught some of his ethos in a magazine which prompted me to buy the cookbook. I am a life-long vegetarian but have slipped into bad habits (shame on you, CHEESE) so I needed…
  • I too can't bear the texture of porridge, too much like frog spawn if you ask me. I don't mind ready brek though as the texture is smoother ... I can take this quite happily. Some fruit and a slug of cinnamon or nutmeg and it doesn't even TASTE like porridge!!!!! I guess I'm pretty fussy though - I've given up on shop…