Vegetarian Dishes

I'm interested in incorporating some high protein, low fat, vegetarian dishes into my diet. Any suggestions?


  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    Anything with brown rice and lentils is good.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Ooh I was just thinking about asking this question too, as a vegetarian who's currently eating too much fat and too little protein :)
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    When in doubt, beans, tofu, tempeh, seitan. Bastions of protein; pretty easy to integrate. I make 'tempeh tacos,' which basically means I chop up the tempeh so it's like ground beef and cook it with sliced peppers and homemade taco seasoning. My non-vegan husband always asks for them. Beans aren't super high in protein as far as servings go, but they're nice to just throw into salads and what-have-you's. I like putting barbecue sauce on seitan and tossing it into a frying pan for a little while. It's a nice meat substitute. And can do just about everything with tofu.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I haven't tried seiten yet - must give it a go. I think we can get it in health food shops here though not certain - people in the US seem to talk about it more?
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    We've been enjoying soy kaas & gimme lean products - both have websites. SO makes delish burgers & meatballs with gimme lean - sometimes I crumble it into my salad entree
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I usually make dishes with tofu, nutmeat beans or other protein sources with a lot of veggies and the spices of my choice (parsley, cumin, basil and whatever's around). Incorporating any kind of nut/bean into foods raises the amount of protein, and avoiding cheeses and butter keeps it low fat. It's not going to be extremely low fat, but using these kinds of proteins limits it to healthier fats. Honestly though, unless you get a protein powder it's hard to get more than about 60-70g every day...not without eating a lot of food.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 149 Member
    eggs are a good cheap healthy source of protein, use less yolks but include some in your diet as they contain iron and vitamin A, also cottage cheese, low fat milk and yogurt are good as well as soya mince, lentils, beans, tofu, pulses, 'Quorn' pieces etc but watch out for the ready meals made by 'Quorn' some can be quite high in fat.

    try doing a search for the vegetarian society or vegan society for lots of recipes using these ingredients

    Hope this helped! :)
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    I use load of beans, lentils, chickpeas etc and the grain quinoa is also super-high in protein. For examples, look on my blog for the butternut squash and lentil curry, lentil dal and red pepper and chickpea curry. Tomorrow night I'll be making a stew with white cabbage, red pepper, tinned tomatoes and mixed beans, seasoned with oregano and thyme.
  • I have been cooking out of James Duigan's Lean and Clean Cookbook. James is a celebrity trainer (Elle McPherson - who doesn't want HER body!!!) and I caught some of his ethos in a magazine which prompted me to buy the cookbook.

    I am a life-long vegetarian but have slipped into bad habits (shame on you, CHEESE) so I needed some help readjusting my diet. James is about a high protein diet. I have found that following this plan really works for me. A lot of the book is meat and fish (he's an Aussie) but I use Quorn as a replacement.

    It allows good fats (nuts, some cheese etc) but I've only noticed after dipping into it lightly that now when I have a day off it and revert to my old bad habits, the effect on my body is fairly momentous. My current favourite is sprouting broccoli, cumin and chilli roasted butternut squash with feta cheese. All on a big plate of salad and definitely satisfying and nutritious.

    I have a generous calorie allowance but cooking the lean and clean way is allowing me to eat WELL and within my calorie allowance. I'm not a celelb-*kitten* so not recommending this for no reason but a frustrated veggie who wants to eat well and as easily as my meat eating counterparts!!!!

    Link to his website here with some recipe suggestions:
  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    I've been having the same issue trying to get enough protein in my diet. I finally gave in and purchased 100% Egg white powder to add into shakes.

    The lack of protein was really putting a damper on my running progress and I was only getting between 25-40g of protein a day without it.
  • Melysa1988
    Melysa1988 Posts: 81 Member
    one of my favorite is vegetarian chili.