sallyspan Member


  • What about a sprouted grain bread? Much better than whole wheat breads.
  • I drink a 100 calorie protein shake (one scoop protein, 12 oz water) before my workouts. It keeps me energized and also keeps my blood sugar from dropping during strenuous workouts.
  • Don't you worry - the same thing happened to me after not logging my food and not working out (except my scale showed a weight gain of 6lbs!) I agree with previous posts that it is mostly water retention from increased sodium. It should be gone in several days.
  • I get most of my healthy recipes from or, focusing on the "Superfast" or "Five Ingredients and Under" section so I don't have to buy a ton of extra groceries. Some of my go-to meals are... 1) Light enchiladas with rotisserie chicken (cuts down on cooking time and can use leftovers) 2) Stir…
  • Ask for steamed veggies with your protein of choice (chicken, shrimp, or tofu) with brown sauce in a cup on the side. That way you can dip as you please - it's not smothered in the sauce. Also, limit the brown rice!!
  • My trainer told me the best cereal is Kashi Go Lean (not the Crunch kind, too much sugar). I add a banana in it to add some sweetness. It's very filling and the serving size (52g) looks like a lot too!
  • My favorite healthy snacks are a protein shake with either fresh fruit or veggie. A piece of Ezekiel toast is also filling instead of a protein shake. I get my chocolate fix with one Ghiardelli square or a Skinny Cow ice cream bar at night.
  • I'm also a big fan of and Also Skinny Taste blog has some great ideas too.
  • When on my training plan from my nutritionist I typically went over the protein goals set on MFP. I ate the following: Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean with almond milk and egg whites Snack: 1 scoop protein in 12 oz water with piece of fruit Lunch: Chicken in an Ezekiel wrap with lettuce and salsa Snack: 1 scoop protein in 12oz…
  • Sounds like a stir fry night to me! Cook your turkey and then veggies in a pan and make your own stir fry sauce (I usually have these things on hand): hoisin sauce, low sod chicken broth, low sod soy sauce, cornstarch, and spices to taste. Mix that up and pour over the veggies and turkey and you've got homemade Chinese…
  • For breakfast consider making egg cups in a muffin pan - including eggs of course loaded with veggies and light cheese on top. Pop in the microwave for quick protein boost in the AM all week. For dinner ideas I always check out and for meals that stay well in the freezer/fridge all week like…
  • My favorite 'homemade' dressing still includes a little olive oil, but I like to add a few dashes of aged balsamic vinegar with a squeeze of lemon. It is light and refreshing, and even though olive oil has fat in it - I personally don't consider it to be a bad fat if I'm having one serving a day. Another one I make in the…
  • My husband and I drink socially probably once a week with friends. I like to have a drink on a Friday night after a long stressful week at work! We're still young (24) so we and our friends do enjoy going out for drinks a few times a month, but definitely not as crazy as we used to be a few years ago! I haven't gone out…
  • I marinate in low fat italian dressing or a mixture of red wine vineager, canola oil, and spices. Another way to add flavor to chicken is to slowly boil balsamic vinegar until it turns into a thick glaze - the sweetness really comes out that way!