My wife would be very happy with this number. Unfortunately there were many years in college when I slept with just about everyone. But, 4 is funny because I have slept with that many in one or two days when I was younger. Lets be real, even the the most conservative person has slept with at least 10 to 15 different people.
There are a lot of good ideas here: egg whites, greek yogurt etc. The ultimate source of protein is a lean meat , preferably a white meat such as chicken ( breadless). A lean red meat is also a great source of protein. Cook it at home and microwave it at your work as most jobs have microwaves for their employees. Also ,…
knock- white collar crime
Gust- a teacher
arpiagape- lips and chest
kilkitty- not necessarily mean but very strict!
No way in hell!
arrogant !
sassy- yes
Gilla- You have the right mindset! Stay positive and determined and you can accomplish anything!
workout buddies
I do prefer longer hair on women. My wife grew her hair out for this reason. But it is not like I would not love her with short hair. lol I just think the longer hair looks more feminine.
Lisa- Talk to....She seems nice!
go to the gym with!
Malinda - If her personality was good!
I have been on 150 mg of Effexor for 4-5 years and I haven't seen any effect on my weight loss efforts! Good luck!
If you are doing weight training and trying to put on lean muscle then you want to have 25-35 grams of protein post-workout. Having 10-20 grams of carbs will also help you regain your energy. These amounts are based on your approximate weight.
I agree with acg67 , you should eat a couple of hours before you workout. I like to have a protein shake about 1 hour before I workout. That is just what personally what works for me! A lot of protein shakes are only 6 oz drinks and I wouldn't think that would cramp you?
I have never felt I received any benefit from L-carnitine or CLA. However, Modern BCAA's from USP Labs can be bought from for about $30.00.
Rachface I like the one where you are holding the camera, you look very pretty. Pretty eyes also!
I can definately see a difference!
Lane 45? Sorry Lane....just looked at profile:( It's a tough picture to tell from.....
I prefer a c, but I am about to marry a dd so what does that tell ya. I prefer real but I think it is your choice. Don't do it for guys. If they like you then it is for you!
Attar2011 36