Dawn1000 Member


  • Wow! You look amazing, but I bet you feel even better! I think you're being smart to slow down your rate of loss and combining the diet part with exercise. Congratulations! :)
  • You answered your own question re workout plans -- you get too bored or unmotivated. You really need to try many different things until you find the exercise that you are most likely to actually do on a regular basis. This doesn't necessarily mean the one that burns the most calories or gives you the biggest burst in your…
  • This is an excellent, and in my opinion essential, idea. Veggies are my biggest issue, too. But I have come to realize that to have the most success with weight loss "and maintenance", it is essential to re-think the foods I am willing to try, and ensure that I add them. No matter how well you do, if you drift back to old…