Fitness/Shape/Women's Health Magazine Workout Plans

They usually last between three weeks and three months and I always end up getting too bored and unmotivated way early on to keep going. Has anyone ever followed one of these plans, start to finish? What were your results?


  • Dawn1000
    Dawn1000 Posts: 3 Member
    You answered your own question re workout plans -- you get too bored or unmotivated. You really need to try many different things until you find the exercise that you are most likely to actually do on a regular basis. This doesn't necessarily mean the one that burns the most calories or gives you the biggest burst in your cardio -- the key is finding what you will do, which means finding something that you don't hate and perhaps actually enjoy. It also helps if you have someone to go with, who can help you say yes on the days you would ordinarily say no. After years of trying to find "my" exercise, I discovered aquafit and I'm loving it. I do it 2-3 times a week and try to fit in something else (a weight class, a walk, etc.) at least once. Before this, I went to the gym with a personal trainer (expensive, didn't particularly like it but got great results) but gave it up after a year or so because of lost motivation. Now, I get antsy if I have to skip my workout and, now that I'm in better shape, it gives me the desire to try out other things that in the past I had no interest in. Keep trying and keep reminding yourself of the benefits! I have gained a lot of muscle mass which means my weight may be a little higher than it would otherwise, but I look trimmer and feel fitter. BTW, during this journey, I've lost 90 lbs (started with MyFitnessPal about halfway through). Good luck!:smile:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I never liked them. too many reps and too light of weights. Find something you like to do.