

  • Used this - thank you sooo very much!! Here is my US code: MWK69V7PP
  • Thanks for sharing that. I have heard that before and even told my wife that was her problem when she plateaued. I began weighing my food a few weeks ago to make sure i wasn't crazy underestimating. I was underestimating portion sizes in my proteins (chicken, beef, shrimp, etc.), but as far as I can tell, I was never off…
  • I'm sure it's mainly because of my size (~250 lbs), but I commute to work via bicycle. It's about 15.5-16 miles and taken me an hour. Runtastic says I burn anywhere from 990-1150 calories one way, so that's usually over 2000 just on the commute. I also swim or run on those days, too.
  • @Mokey41 - thanks for the advice. I have my calories calculated by MFP (at 2lbs / week). I'll do some research and try to confirm. Someone told me that I should probably turn them up to the 1lb / week intake for a little while. May try that! @Prephred - Thanks for the idea regarding the protein shakes and I don't know why…
  • Hey Folks - My name's Mike. I've been running for about 6 months. I've completed one tri, a dozen or so 5ks, several 4 milers and a 10k. Currently, I'm training for my first half this December. I started my fitness journey on February 10th of this year after being diagnosed with Type 2.