Starvation Mode?

Hi, All!

My name is Mike - In February of this year, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Two days after I was diagnosed I made a ton of lifestyle changes (heavy soda consumption, nicotine, etc) and began using MFP to track my food. I also began a running plan and started commuting to work by bike a couple of days a week. I lost a great deal of weight, but I've been stuck for a couple of months. My doctor told me that I should be eating my exercise calories (which I was not doing).

I've made an effort to eat my exercise calories for several weeks now, but as you can tell by the graph below, I'm still coming up a little short and I've actually gained a few pounds (which was to be expected). There are at least a couple of days a week where I burn upwards 2500 calories. Given that I'm supposed to be watching carbs because of my diabetes, I have no idea how to consume that many calories.

All of that said, I have three questions:
1.) Do you believe my weight loss has been stymied because of starvation mode or is it more likely I have plateaued?
2.) Assuming I was in starvation mode, if I hit my net calories 5 days a week, will the 2 days I burn ~2500 calories keep me in starvation mode if I can't consume the exercise calories?
3.) Assuming the answer to #2 is yes, whats a good way for a diabetic to consume that many calories?


--Mike D.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    NO. You have your budget set way too low for an adult male to start with but unless you've been eating, actually putting in your mouth, less than 500 calories per day and been doing this for a prolonged period of time then you are not anywhere near starving.

    You probably do need to eat more and it isn't that hard to do with healthy oils and dairy. Doesn't have to be filling up on carbs.
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    If you want to add calories but not carbs - check out some of the cheeses. They are usually about 110 calories per ounce. Things like almonds, other nuts work too like cashews and peanuts. Cream cheese, peanut butter. I try and stay away from salted stuff. You want to hit the protein and stay away from the carbs if you can. I drink protein shakes too that are 30 g protein vs. 6 carbs. the dietician also indicated that dried fruit and fruit juices were ok but I have always thought those were high in carbs so I have never went that route but those are healthier then junk food.

    I actually had to increase my caloric intake by almost 1000-1200 calories to start losing. My regular doctor thought I was nuts but I had my resting metabolic rate tested (think breathalyzer for 10 min) and it was 2800 calories. The dietician had me eating 2400 calories when I started. I am now down to 2100 as I lose. It is very hard to eat that many calories and not eat junk but it can be done. I try not to eat my exercise calories back but that varies by person and sometimes I do a little if I am really hungry. I can't sleep hungry =) I also have found that I have to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day if not more to lose.

    Good luck.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I want to know what exercise you are doing which is burning upwards of 2500 calories!?!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    You may find this article interesting:
  • @Mokey41 - thanks for the advice. I have my calories calculated by MFP (at 2lbs / week). I'll do some research and try to confirm. Someone told me that I should probably turn them up to the 1lb / week intake for a little while. May try that!

    @Prephred - Thanks for the idea regarding the protein shakes and I don't know why i didn't think of almonds. I appreciate the advice.
  • I want to know what exercise you are doing which is burning upwards of 2500 calories!?!

    I'm sure it's mainly because of my size (~250 lbs), but I commute to work via bicycle. It's about 15.5-16 miles and taken me an hour. Runtastic says I burn anywhere from 990-1150 calories one way, so that's usually over 2000 just on the commute. I also swim or run on those days, too.
  • You may find this article interesting:

    Thanks for sharing that. I have heard that before and even told my wife that was her problem when she plateaued. I began weighing my food a few weeks ago to make sure i wasn't crazy underestimating. I was underestimating portion sizes in my proteins (chicken, beef, shrimp, etc.), but as far as I can tell, I was never off by more than 100 calories or so. Thanks again!

    I think my next step is to consult a dietitian.