jenniflower75 Member


  • I have 50 pounds exactly to lose. I will stay in touch if you guys want
  • 43 this September 26th and I have to say we ARE the cool kids Lol. I had weight loss surgery in 2012 when that happened I didn't lose anything, i mean i did but quickly within a few months gained it back because my stomach turned on me and refused to keep down protein of any kind. I basically threw up and lived on crackers…
  • Ok so I suffer with the same problem, or I used to (i still have my moments) but what really works for me is to allow myself one cheat day a week. I don't eat my goal calories but rather eat my burned calories per day as if I were trying only to maintain my weight.then I don't feel deprived and I get to indulge in my…
  • thats my profile pic from last summer before i put all my weight back on :( im back up to 200 lbs give or take a pound or two. I know there are risks to the surgery but im scared im going to continue to yoyo diet if i dont use this tool. my problem isnt what i eat but instead how much i eat. I am always hungry. Ive learned…
  • Thank u!!! Looking fwd to this challenge!!!
  • I made a major move across the country almost two years ago and lost all motivation and ability to exercise... moving from flat Oregon to hilly pa. I kept track of my eating for about nine more months then got frustrated because the last bit of weight was coming off so slow. I decided to go on a ten day water fast and lost…
  • Is it too late to join this challenge? My starting weight is somewhere around 200lbs and my ultimate goal is 130. But lets focus on 1.5 lbs a week for four weeks first? Small goals bring a sense of accomplishment
  • I give u sooooo much credit for going to the gym, for doing so well, and for not letting her simple mind determine your progress! !!! I wish I was that string!!! I had a memnership at the y when I weighed about 170 and I was so proud of myself cuz I could do the treadmill walking 4.5 miles an hr on 10 inclined ... UNTIL…
  • Thank you for all of the info, I'm not looking for an easy way out and I know this will be a struggle. What I eat isn't as much of a problem as how much I eat. I'm always hungry. I'm nervous about the surgery but I see no other option. It took me two years of counting calories and exercising everyday atleasy an hr and I…
  • congratulations, that is wonerful!!!
  • when i first started loosing weight i swore i would not buy any new cloths till i reached my goal... well at 235 iwasnt wearing jeans, they were just too uncomfortable and made me feel bigger than i was so i stuck to stretchy pants of all kinds of sorts.. i wouldnt get more than a size large so they were tght on me then…
  • well about a year and a half ago I was approved for lap band surgery, did the whole seminar pre surgery thing, and was all ready just waiting for a date. during that time i decided to give it one last try but that was it i was sick of being fat and i was at my top weight ever. I cut my calories and started loosing weight..…
  • Well at my lowest weight in high school i was 113 but also anorexic, my average weight through out most of high school was 127.. I had my first child at 16 and lost all the baby fat pretty quick.. had the rest of my kids within four years.. after having my son I went down to about 140 and was a size nine.. i recall…
  • I get Jenni-o 1/4 lb turkey burgers and absolutely love them.. i cook them a total of about 15 min. I dont season them but do still put mustard on them like i would a regular burger. I dont eat the ground meat any more even got my kids eating the turkey burgers lol. I was recently told i have high cholesterol so i switched…
  • Thanks everyone.. I went through last night after i posted this and read the newbie posts they make a lot of sense but they are frustrating and scary facts. I changed my calorie goal and to loose 1 lb a week im to eat almost 1400 calories a day and thats if i dont exercise. SOooo i went out late last night and bought a ton…