ThisisMiss Member


  • A friend of mine used it a few years ago regularly. It is not a cure-all pill that will allow you to eat whatever you want. It is designed to help you only if you eat well. She never had any side effects with it and lost a lot of weight using it along with a well-balanced diet and exercise. Once she reached her goal…
  • Um... I don't recall him saying he was going to log it. He might just be curious as to how many calories it burns. Simple as. Why respond if you are going to just assume something and not even try to answer the question. Sometimes I wonder how many calories I burn when I am doing a lot of random activities - doesn't mean I…
  • My weakness is pretzels and basically carbs in general. When I was in high school, they should sell those big soft pretzels at the end of the day for really cheap.. like 5 for $1. I would buy 10 or so and eat most of them on the bus before I even got home. Not everyday, but still. And for lunch in high school, I would eat…
  • Sorry if you mentioned this already, I didn't read through all the posts. Did she cut your hair while it was still curly? My sister had her hair cut by someone who did not know how to deal with curly hair and they cut it while it was in its most curly state and when she straightened it, it looks a lot like that. I did read…
  • Love Song by Selena Gomez. It's so dang horrible, but I love it now after hearing it on the radio so much!
  • For me, weight loss helps significantly with my symptoms. I am able to ovulate and get AF on my own once I hit a certain weight. I also don't grow facial hair as fast and even my dark spots look lighter. I was also able to conceive on my own. I know not a lot of women experience such a change with their weight loss. My…
  • I've been seeing this everywhere and am so tempted to try it. I am on a wine kick now, so might try it someday soon :)
  • The lowest is around 69, but it's usually around 72-74. Before I stared working out and losing weight, it was around 84 so it's improving! :)
  • This. My cardiovascular health is pretty awesome, but when I first started C25K, the first week KILLED my legs! I had to take a couple of extra days off just because my legs weren't used to the running involved. I would try to do week 1 first and see how you feel from there. Good luck!
    in C25K Comment by ThisisMiss June 2012
  • I've been a vegetarian on and off most of my life. Not for moral or religious reasons. I just wanted to do it. I guess you could call me a flexitarian. I eat mostly vegetarian, but will eat meat or fish (mostly fish) on occasion.
  • I am a freelance writer soon to be insurance sales person on top of that. I have a degree in Marketing Communications with a minor in Art, Design and Media and a pretty good list of experiences in Public relations and I'd love to get back in that one day.
  • That is one brilliant idea! I am doing this now. Usually I will eat progresso or a couple of pierogis maybe pop some popcorn (on the stove, no butter no salt, maybe some garlic or onion powder). If I am in the mood, some eggs with cheese and mushroom. Otherwise, I'll go make someone else cook and just monitor everything…
  • It might sound lame, but it was on SKype. We've been separated in different countries due to financial and visa issues. We've known that we wanted to get married for a while and he was meant to come see me and our daughter in Janurary, but the US wouldn't let him through the Canadian border (he was flying through Canadia…
  • If it was just a bit of extra weight and wanted to get in shape with me, then I wouldn't mind. I was never attracted to anyone who was really plus-sized though (besides a few women), so even if they did have a great personality, I just don't think I could get into it. I'm not looking and my fiancee is pretty tiny, so I…
  • Yeah, I understand completely. Don't worry, they are just jealous because they can't be bothered to care about their health as much as we do or actually put any effort or thought into what they do with their bodies.
  • Not including being pregnant, I was at about 283lbs. I was a hot, sweaty and uncomfortable mess. I was only at that weight once and briefly and I will never go there again. I feel okay now, but really can't wait until I reach my goal and can feel comfortable in my own skin.
  • A calorie is a calorie, no matter how big or small. I count my fruits and veggies because fruits can be high in calories and although veggies are low in calories, it can sometimes be the line that takes me over my calories on bad days. (Not that I will eat less veggies, but it will fill me up more and help keep me from…
  • I stop logging if I know I went way over. The reason why I log is to make sure I am within my calorie goals for the day. If I max that, and I already know it - it loses it's point for me. That doesn't mean I keep going crazy. I get right back on the horse the next day and learn my lesson on the scale. I think as long as…
  • ^^ This. The show is for entertainment purposes only. You aren't supposed to expect to do the same things they are doing. Use it for motivation if you want, but don't lower yourself to actually thinking you should be losing 15lb a week. Don't take what you see on TV so seriously.
  • *raises hand* I am also very socially awkward in every situation. Add me!
  • It's stupid. Skinny does not necessarily equal beautiful. But what do I care? I'd never go to a thing like that even if I wasn't already taken by a guy who doesn't care about my clothing size as long as I'm healthy.
  • No, I sometimes do it too. I usually make myself do something quick and easy like squats, jumping jacks and whatever else I can think up the minute I realize so that way I don't feel too bad for getting so sidetracked.
  • A friend found it a couple of years ago when searching for a calorie counter. I joined right after she did, but only started using it seriously recently
  • Cancer
  • This is not true of stevia, which IS a naturally derived sweetener. Here a few reputable sources from which you can learn more about it :)…
  • My fiancee is always very supportive of me and is really into living a healthy, active lifestyle. It's being with him that jump started my weight loss and healthier lifestyle. His whole family is really into living healthy and actively. His father was a pro-boxer, his sister is becoming a physical therapist/personal…
  • I weigh myself several times a day. I understand how my body works and what normal fluctuations for my body is like so when I see the number go up a few pounds, I know not to freak out. The reason why I weigh myself so much is more for curiosity's sake because I am curious about how my weight changes after eating or…
  • ^^ This. The only people who tell me to stop where I am are people who are much more overweight than I am and are too lazy to lose weight themselves. All my thinner friends are the ones who tell me they are proud and cheer me on.
  • I just got the kickboxing one a couple of weeks back and I love it. It's perfect for naptimes when I don't have a lot of time to workout. I never knew I could sweat so much in such a short amount of time. It's awesome. I'd love to get more of her DVDs!