hfsmk Member


  • I have been told by a GE doctor that too much fiber over a long period of time can lead to certain vitamin deficiencies, but that is is very, very rare for anyone to be in that position. He also said there are studies showing that the "recommended" of 25-30 is actually too low. Now, that was about 4 years ago, and with how…
    in FIBER Comment by hfsmk February 2009
  • A big glass of skim milk does it for me. And when it's 15-20 degrees out, I don't mind toting it around in my cold pack lunch box b/c it won't get funky. I've also been known to keep a peanut butter & banana sandwich handy after the gym ... or a whole wheat tortilla smeared with PB w/ 1/2 a banana and rolled up.
  • I usually have one to two cheat meals a week. If I didn't, I probably lose my mind and would never see my friends. :) Usually it is a meal out with friends or happy hour. I always see a gain the next day, but I don't sweat it. It's mostly due to sodium and is off in a day or two.
    in Cheat Day Comment by hfsmk February 2009
  • I'll back dolce up - squats, squats, squats. Plie squats really get my inner thighs. Hover squats are good too. I can't do lunges, or I would do those as well. I have knee issues, and lunges hurt, whereas squats don't. I'd recommend googling squats and plie squats to learn about proper form. :)