

  • the sugar in fruits is still sugar and that is how the body processes it. You should eat fruits in moderation and as someone else stated, it should be part of a balanced diet ... the exception to that is if you are insulin resistant or diabetic and then you can only eat about 1/2 a fruit per meal generally (depending on…
  • Don't give up ... You are doing the right thing, actually if you are working out as much as you indicated, you may not be eating enough calories. It takes 2/3 weeks before your body understands what you are doing so it can start burning. Don't weight yourself every day as fluids fluctuate ... Your body will slow your…
  • It takes a while for your body to realize that you're not going to starve it, just shape it up. It can take 2-3 weeks before there is any difference on a scale - Besides sodium another thing to watch are the carbs, if you ae a woman trying to loose weight, you should have at least 20g per meal (meaning the 3 bigger meals)…
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