

  • Good point. Didn't think about that. Thanks.
  • Congratulations! Great Job! Are you thinking of moving on to P90X? It's a great workout.
  • I agree totally with the one comment.... The fact that you are still here speaks volumes, don't give up! We are all here for you! I have ALWAYS been a yo-yo dieter, losing the same 20 pounds over and over and over again. This time it changed, I had enough and believe I found the assistance I needed to finally keep it off.…
  • Never heard that one before, although you can't stretch enough. It's good for you. Heavy weight x low reps = muscles. Low weight x high reps - Lean.
  • I just purchased the Brooks PureFlow2 Running shoes. I have never worn anything that felt so good on my feet. I run on my treadmill and do Les Mills Combat and P90X. They have fantastic support and cushioning for the plyometrics that I do and also side support for my Combat kicks. I highly recommend them.
    in Shoes. Comment by pdittman19 April 2013