

  • I started at 255lb and am now 222lb. My goal is to be around 160 or 150. I count calories (sometimes) but mainly I watch what I eat and eat in the right portions. I workout 5-6 times a week. My main goal is to be healthy and start a family with that wonderful man below :) Before June 2011 During July 2012
  • I started at 255lb and I'm at 235lb now. My boyfriend noticed when I lost my first 10lb and other family and friends noticed at 20lb. I can't see a difference but some of my clothes are fitting better. I was discouraged for awhile because I was stuck at 10lbs for a couple weeks but just stay on track and stay motivated and…
  • I've been doing Zumba for the past week and I love it! But I also feel like I need to mix it up as well. I've been reading a lot about 30DS on MFP and today a co-worker said she would lend it to me to try! I'm so excited! I feel like I'm cheating on Zumba lol so I hope this is worth it! Also I'm doing the Lose 10lbs in…
  • I've been doing Zumba for the past week and I love it! But I also feel like I need to mix it up as well. I've been reading a lot about 30DS on MFP and today a co-worker said she would lend it to me to try! I'm so excited! I feel like I'm cheating on Zumba lol so I hope this is worth it! Also I'm doing the Lose 10lbs in…
  • I've been doing Zumba for the past week and I love it! But I also feel like I need to mix it up as well. I've been reading a lot about 30DS on MFP and today a co-worker said she would lend it to me to try! I'm so excited! I feel like I'm cheating on Zumba lol so I hope this is worth it! Also I'm doing the Lose 10lbs in…
  • I'm definetly up for the challenge!
  • I started MFP About 3 weeks ago.. My starting weight 255 My Current 248 My Goal 155 I want to lose 100lbs! I'm doing this for my health and for my future. I'm so motivated and excited to see what I'm actually capable of!