

  • Hello otellia ! Maybe I can clarify a few things for you. Your personal trainer was RIGHT about you consuming ALL of your recommended caloric intake for the day. If you eat less, your body will go into STARVATION MODE, which will lower your metabollism (sp??), thus making it EVEN HARDER than usual to lose the inches and…
  • Hi ! I'm not a newbie to this 1200 calorie thing or the FRUSTRATIONS that you are now facing, because I'm going through the VERY same thing that you are ! My body is still not used to the calorie limitations that I've put on it. I have 65 lbs. to lose, and and recently went rogue when I made numerous batches of my HOME…
  • Hi alexismichell ! I too, am on the 1200 calorie limit. Even though I'm new here, I've done the 1200 calorie thing before. I have found that drinking about 10 glasses of water per day works well for this calorie limit. Before i even think of eating ANYTHING - I drink 1 glass of water SLOWLY. Then I eat VERY SLOWLY. Then I…
  • Hello cupcakecutie1 ! Welcome back ! I'm a newbie here - but will always offer positive feedback ! Janet :)
  • Congratulations TeresaC79 ! Keep up the good work ! Happy Birthday ! Janet :)