

  • Thanks for the info. I will try the ones you've suggested. Just excited to be getting back in shape!
  • Hi, I don't know what the couch to 5k is or a podcast, but I downloaded a free app called runkeeper. It tracks your running using a gps and saves them for you. It calculates speed and calories , etc. You can launch your itunes first then start the app. It also tracks other activities like biking, hiking, ect. No one talks…
  • I am also 40! I need to lose 20 pounds. I have just begun with my "lifestyle change!" I just joined a biggest loser contest and am trying to at least 10 -15pounds in the next 8 weeks. I used to be very fit and able to eat anything I wanted with no worries. Getting older has taken a real toll! It's so much harder, now!!…