

  • I fell off the wagon! I got down to 181 but now I'm chilling at 185-187. I have decided to just restart. Going back to 8 cups of water and pre planning my dinner. I am completely lacking in energy. I started school and now all I want to do when I get hone from classes is sit on my butt. I have been half paying attention to…
  • yay! Awesome! ill send you a request now
  • Falcons win it alll! RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Maybe you should try something other than runnning? I tried and even though i was trying to run for an hour, I know i didn't accomplish much. When i walk I usually walk pretty fast for 3 miles. At the end of it my legs are sore and i feel like I did something, but when I ran, i just felt out of breath. Also, I use workout…
  • forgot to add i always feel full and hit just at 1200, and In a week with working out i've lost 6.2lbs. You should NEVER feel hungry! Snack 2-3 times a day, I usually eat an low cal low sugar bar or fruit or nuts. and remember WATER WATER WATER!!
  • I was the same way until I started drinking water. I know it doesnt sound right but if you focus on drinking 8 glasses of water a day you will feel amazing and wont be as hungry. It also takes your mind 20 minutes to register you are full. that being said here is a summery of what i eat every day and i usually am at 1200…
  • Ok that makes meals a lot easier. All i've been doing lately is sitting and eating, so im trying to turn that around. I actually feel great right now with the work outs! I have sooo much energy and feel so happy at the end of the day. I am going to start adding recipies to my food diary. See how i can adjust things to be a…
  • thank you so much! changing the values made it a lot easier to plan my meals! Yes i see now that they give me more allowed calories when I add my workouts. I am definitely trying to increase my calories now because i keep going below 1200 , but I find it very hard to increase calories and not go over my proteins and carbs.…