sethkm Member


  • Interesting. I wonder if the driving problem that I've had is related to the poor roads around where I live. Guessing all the bumps make the BMF register exercise for me..l
  • Depends on clothing, but one thing I often do is keep the sensor on, but then flip it upside down while driving. I have found the sensor to be a great motivator; hope you find it to be as rewarding. Regards, sethkm
  • I've been using BodyMedia Fit for about a year now. Most of the times when the calories/steps have been inflated for me it was due to wearing the sensor while driving. Definitely check the Activity Manager and look at the graph under calories burned and see if there are strange spikes that don't coordinate with when you…
  • I have the exact same question. In lieu of a better answer, my thought is to take the total calories burned for the day from BodyMedia and subtract my estimated BMR. Unfortunately, I don't think what MFP terms exercise includes all of the calories burned from just sleeping, sitting around etc. I don't believe this will…