BodyMedia and MFP Question


I'm using both MFP and BodyMedia. Right now I am using my total calories from MFP and putting it into BM which is all good.

My one question is when I want to put my calories burned from BM into MFP I'm not quite sure what number to use. In part because I don't know if MFP takes into account the same things BM does (calories burned while sleeping, sitting there, you know BMR).

Does my babbling make since?

Any thoughts?

Thank you


  • sethkm
    sethkm Posts: 5 Member
    I have the exact same question. In lieu of a better answer, my thought is to take the total calories burned for the day from BodyMedia and subtract my estimated BMR. Unfortunately, I don't think what MFP terms exercise includes all of the calories burned from just sleeping, sitting around etc.

    I don't believe this will yield perfectly accurate results as my understanding is the BodyMedia doesn't use BMR to determine the base calorie burn rate. I believe that I read that the RMR is indirectly used. Not sure what exactly that means or what the difference is, but there is a BMR/RMR calculator here: (SFW). YMMV, but the BMR calculated by the MFP tool (under Tools tab) was exactly the same as the RMR calculated at caloriesperhour.

    Anyway, hope this helps. Would love it if somehow the BodyMedia data could be linked to MyFitnessPal the way that BodyMedia is with EarndIt.
  • It would be nice if the 2 would find a way to link to each other (hint hint to the powers that be:) ).


    The information did help and gives me a good start.

    Thank you